Over the past 10 years, bottled water (“blue gold”) has become a $50 billion worldwide industry.* The common perception that our bottled water originates from pristine, natural springs is just not true. Bottled water is the biggest marketing trick of all time.** In 2009, the Big Three, Nestle Company North America, Pepsi-Co, and Coca Cola, dominated 57.5% of the global bottled water industry market.*** In the last five years, global bottled water sales recorded 10% average annual growth rate; whereas, the soft drinks category only grew 6% annually.† In the Old West, whoever owned water rights controlled the land. Future wars may be fought over this scarce, precious “blue gold.” To quote Mark Twain, “Whiskey is for sipping; water is for fighting.”

It may be hard to swallow, but 25% of all bottled water is untreated tap water.†† The polluted Detroit River is one main source for Aquafina.††† A third of bottled waters tested contained such high levels of synthetic chemicals, bacteria and arsenic that they violated industry standards. § Over 250 million barrels of oil per year are used to produce plastic bottles.§§ That $1 bottled water you hold in your hand, actually costs a staggering $4.81/gallon!* In some parts of the country, that costs more than a gallon of gasoline!

Americans buy 29 billion single-serve bottles of water a year.** Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.¶ The United States uses millions of barrels of oil every year to ship water and it’s growing every year.** Research has shown that bottled water is really not any healthier than tap water (probably because it is tap water!) and is contributing to the destruction of the environment. Eventually most of these plastic bottles are exposed to high heat levels in warehouses and during transportation. Some researchers believe that the high heat causes the plastic bottles to leach petro-chemicals and other toxic chemicals into the water contained within the bottles.¶¶

We want to drink the purest water we can get. Why would we put that water into a substance which has the potential of leaching harmful chemicals into that water? The introduction of BPA-free reusable water bottles was a step in the right direction. But with what water would you refill those bottles? Please see www.YourWaterWisdom.com for a healthier water alternative.
Unfortunately, there is a price to pay for our day-to-day bottled water consumption. We won’t realize many of those costs for years. Ultimately all plastic bottles find their way into the environment where they pollute our planet’s scarce water supply, killing our marine life and destroying ecosystems. There is a garbage patch twice the size of Texas floating in the North Pacific Ocean (3.5 million tons of plastic)! It is estimated that this plastic will take 1000 years to decompose.** In a nutshell, it takes 17 million barrels of oil a year to make the 28 billion plastic bottles of water purchased in the U.S. alone. That is enough energy consumption to fuel 1 million cars annually, and as a byproduct, pumping 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air, contributing to global warming.¶¶¶

Have hope. Now that you are aware, think about that empty plastic bottle’s final destination as it leaves your hand. Educate yourself further by reading the links below. As we awaken to the truth of our water crisis, we will make wiser water choices.

Related topics:

Tapped, the Movie (Aug. 10, 2010)
Jesse Ventura’s Water Conspiracy: “Blue Gold” (Dec. 22, 2010)
Flow: For the Love of Water (Full Movie) (Sept. 8, 2008)
Flow - Water Privatization (Full Movie) (April 7, 2009)
Water, the Great Mystery (Full Movie) (September 8, 2008)
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Good Morning America (Aug 6, 2008)
Bottled Water vs. Tap Water 20/20 with John Stossel (May 6, 2005)

* Investing Happily (Feb 24, 2008)
** Tapped, The Movie (Aug. 10, 2010)
*** Beverage Marketing (July, 2010)
†† American Journal of Nursing, Tainted Water on Tap Nov. ‘05
††† ABC News: Is Bottled Water Better than Tap? (May 6, 2005)
§ NDRC, Swimming in Sewage, Feb. ’04
§§ Paper commissioned by World Wildlife Fund, April ‘01
¶ Americans Throw Away 2.5 Million Plastic Bottles Every Hour
¶¶ Dangers of Bottled Water
¶¶¶ Drop the Prop – Bottled Water Statistics

Author's Bio: 

Vivienne Bailey’s daughter was 11 months old when the infant had open-heart surgery. To assist her recovery, Vivienne turned to the healing arts of Reflexology, Reiki, Aromatherapy (Raindrop Therapy & VitaFlex), Tibetan Bowls Sound Massage and most recently, Kangen Water.(TM) Email: YourWaterWisom@gmail.com or call: 407-677-1448 or visit www.YourWaterWisdom.com.