Angel Amarushaya reminds us that blessings come in many shapes and forms; for example, through family members, neighbors, teachers and pets. She asks you to count your blessings every day. When was the last time you did? Count your blessings, that is. If you are wading in self pity and do not believe that you have anything for which to be thankful in your life, then you are missing out on the essential foundation of what life and living are all about.

In life, we are interconnected to an abundance of people, events and memories that make it all worthwhile. It is in those special moments when we find happiness, peace and love that give us the most inspiration and motivation. It is also through these emotional bonds of love for which we are most grateful. Could you imagine life without your pleasant neighbor, loving sibling, helpful coworker or devoted pet? Or maybe you have a wonderful mentor or coach, who has touched your life in some small way? If you have any or all of the above, you are very fortunate indeed.

Angel Amurushaya wants you to always reflect on the beauty and bounty that surrounds you. There is abundance in the smaller things, which are not always that apparent. In fact, the sheer thought that you are alive is simply a miracle upon itself. Many people could only hope to be healthy and vital, but there you are in your magnificent glory - the epitome of healthfulness. Maybe you have a job that allows you to pay your bills, or you have the love of that special someone… whatever or whomever it is, you need to take full account of the things and people in your life that are adding joy, hope, love, peace or honor to it. Giving thanks…Understand how blessed you truly are. Although you may not be rich and famous, if you are rich in love and health, then you are already more blessed than most. If you have the love and loyalty of a pet, then your life is enriched more than many. If you have the love and support from your family, then that too, is a blessing. How many blessings do you have that you have not given a second thought? Maybe it is time to count your blessings and express your gratitude. I know I do just that every day.

Blessings to you on your journey,
Joan Marie

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Blessings come in small Packages
By Joan Marie

Author's Bio: 

About the Author: Joan Marie Ambrose and her daughter, Joan Marie Whelan have created this children’s Company to further teach children and their caregiver’s about changing the way they act and react with others in a positive and moral manner. We have four small books that feature the messages from the angel realm, these stories inspire and encourage children to form good wholesome habits that everyone will benefit from. Our Lit’l Messengers, the Power Angels are the superhero’s that teach and share the messages. Visit our Lit’l Messengers on this site and learn more about their purpose and function in the terrestrial realm. Childlike Creations- -recognized by Creative Child Magazine for our new Product...STAR POWER....with a SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD!