Diabetes is not just about a lot of urine, eating too much or high blood sugar level. According to WHO, more than 220 million people worldwide have diabetes.
In 2005, an estimated 1.1 million people died from diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. 50% of people with diabetes die of cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke).

What frightening is not the disease itself, but the complications that followed by the disease.
Diabetes is a disease caused by unusual metabolism. It happens when our body cannot excrete sufficient insulin or when cells cannot react with insulin and subsequently glucose inside our blood is being accumulated and excreted from urine. Due to diabetes is highly related to individual eating habit and control blood glucose by medicines is time consuming, it is not easy to control or prevent complications of diabetes.
Diabetic complications can be classified broadly as microvascular or macrovascular disease.

Microvascular complications include neuropathy (nerve damage), nephropathy (kidney disease) and vision disorders (eg retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract and corneal disease).
Macrovascular complications include heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease (which can lead to ulcers, gangrene and amputation).

Other complications of diabetes include infections, metabolic difficulties, impotence, autonomic neuropathy and pregnancy problems.

These are some of the complication that might occur due to diabetes:
1) Eye Disease
2) Hypertension and Kidney Failure
3) Nerve Disease
4) Erectile Dysfunction
5) Diabetic Depression
6) Nausea, weight lost, diarrhea, and gastroparesis

As the development of biotechnology is increasing, diabetic patients can now easily improve their problems and prevent its complications.
Bitter gourd is a green, cucumber-shaped tropical fruit with gourdlike bumps. It's eaten unripe like a vegetable and contains substances with antidiabetic properties such as charantin, vicine, polypeptide-p, and other bioactive components. Clinical trials involving type 2 diabetics have shown that fresh bitter gourd juice can effectively lower blood sugar levels and improve glucose tolerance. However, excessively high doses of bitter gourd juice may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.Diabetics taking hypoglycemic drugs or insulin should use a bitter melon product with caution, as it may increase the effectiveness of the drugs, leading to severe hypoglycemia (Below-normal levels of blood) of oral or intravenous glucose. Even brief episodes can produce severe brain dysfunction.

By using sophisticated biotechnology, Insupro Forte is being produced through extraction and enhancement of bitter gourd active ingredients such as saponin which proven to have hypoglycemic effect without side effect.

Insupro Forte is a molecular plant protein, and is more readily absorbed into our system when compared to animal insulin. Insupro Forte not only helps to bring down the blood sugar level, it also helps repair physically altered cells and protects the cells, in fact it promotes the production of more cells.

This increase in healthy cells restores the function of pancreas. This property of Insupro Forte differs greatly from the insulin replacement property of conventional medication. On top of that, clinical trials have proven that an overdose on Insupro Forte does not induce hypoglycemia or other side effects.

Research had confirmed that bitter gourd has blood glucose lowering activities. The study also concluded that the effect of Insupro Forte were comparable to that of drugs.

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