This week's best of the INTENTernet links are all about giving, serving and volunteering--sometimes in unexpected ways. All come from a heart of gold.

Island DIY: Kauai Residents Don't Wait for State to Repair Road from The local residents whose business livelihood depended on a government to fix a road decided that they couldn't stand to wait for an indefinite period of time. So they did it themselves.

Have a Purpose in Life? You Might Live Longer from Yahoo! News. A purpose in life not only makes life more dynamic, it is extremely essential to a longer, healthier and more fulfilled life.

Veterans: America's New Green Warriors from Newsweek. American veterans who served in the war continue doing service--in making industries more green.

17-Year-Old Forms First National Youth Orchestra of Iraq from Ode Magazine. A young age does not stop this remarkable woman from giving the peers of her country the great gift of music.

Conscious Consumerism from Elephant Journal. A theme that is worth repeating again and again: this recession is the most valuable opportunity for all of us to really realize what matters the most: giving back to those who need it the most.

What if MJ Fans Left a Legacy Rather Than Flowers? from The Huffington Post. HuffPo blogger Matt Petersen calls for fans of Michael Jackson to turn their grief into an opportunity to truly honor the legendary pop singer's humanitarian streak: instead of leaving flowers and balloons, why not donate to charity?

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, don't forget to support Team Intent's intention to clean up local beaches! Give us a click of support so we can add an extra minute of volunteering. 49 minutes and counting---help us pass the 60 minute mark and more!

Author's Bio: is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.