Elementary Level Book Report Writing for Kids

Book reports written at elementary level belong to the genre of kid writing and do not demand an in-depth analysis from the writer unlike college level book reports. You are basically required to submit an overall view of the book and its contents.
Book Reports for 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades

Book reports at the primary level are mostly written in 3rd, 4rth and 5th grades hence they require a basic understanding of a book along with explanation of the theme plot, story setting and characters.
Format of a Book Report for Elementary School

The format of an elementary and school level book report follows the standard structure of introduction, body and conclusion. In each section you describe the book and add your opinions to it.
Who is the narrator?
Narrator is in first,second or third person?
Describe the genre of the book. Adventure, family, fantasy/make believe, animal, romance, true life or scary.
What is the writing style of the book?
Is the book descriptive enough to provide you with an image of the characters and happening?
What is the age of the work? When was it written? Does it reflects its age?
What are your feelings after reading the book?
The Theme

It is the main idea of the story and describes the nature, style and narration of the book in general.
Setting and Narration

It describes the time and place of the story. Is it set in a periodic style time ago or belongs to contemporary genre. Does it take place in another country or the story brings in an imaginary place? How much time span the story covers —a day? a year? a lifetime?
Book Plot/Story Plot

You are required to tell what the story is about. What is the main event, character or conflict around which the story is based. Which things lead up to the development of the story? What happens as a result? How does the story end? Be careful not to re-tell the whole story in detail.

Do not tell the story in detail rather sketch a summary of the book which carries your perspective to it.

These are the basic elements of any plot or story. The main character is called the protagonist. Who are the other important characters? Do they help or hinder the protagonist?

Conclusion writing consists of one paragraph with 4 to 5 sentences to sum up your book report. Give your personal opinion of the book and the most important things that you have picked along with an overall approach which you developed.

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