TenderITnow is a Request for Proposal (RFP) tool developed by Contisoft. It is an online electronic request that helps in automation of all the RFP procedure. Here one can get all the RFPs at the same place and can manage them. One does not need to use any manual communications. Along with these, one can get all the quotes online and centralize the whole buying process at a single site. The templates of RFP provide everything for getting information to suppliers. Here, we can easily assess the suppliers, equate them and can conjoin with them. Files can be uploaded over here, and response deadlines can be given.

The benefits of TenderITnow by Contisoft are listed below-

1] Benefit to the vendor - This RFP tool does not need any kind of manual effort. One can very easily reply to RFP online, can effortlessly upload all sorts of documents, operate from anywhere and then see all the documents attached from buyers. This tool helps in cutting the response time.

2] Easy to configure - The questions over here can be easily configured as per one’s need. Needs of different companies can be different, and this request for protocol tool allows to set the questions as per the diverse requirements of the companies. This is one of the central importance of this tool.

3] Facilitates techno commercial procurement requirements - TenderITnow has only one window for inviting techno commercial quotes from different vendors. This request for protocol tool facilitates on click techno commercial comparatives, daily purchases and helps in processing techno commercial procurement requirements.

4] Benefits to the buyer- TenderITnow helps in setting up the RFP as per the needs of an individual or an individual company. One can classify while creating RFP by category or subcategory, add questions as per requirement and can manage all the data that are centralized for all the RFP and RFP responses.

5] Full visibility- TenderITnow has a dashboard that provides total luminosity of the RFP analysis like RFP response received, RFP published, RFP closed and saving through RFP. This dashboard is an essential feature of this request for protocol tool.

6] RFP creation- RFP can be created easily by this request for protocol tool. One can make RFP with the new description, question, category, supplier, etc.

TenderITnow is an e-procurement software that increases the effectiveness of the whole RFP process, and it saves time for the buyer as well. All the RFPs can be seen under one roof, comparison of the suppliers can be made quickly, and decisions can be taken effectively.

Author's Bio: 

TenderITnow is a Request for Proposal (RFP) tool developed by Contisoft. It is an online electronic request that helps in automation of all the RFP procedure. Here one can get all the RFPs at the same place and can manage them. One does not need to use any manual communications. Along with these, one can get all the quotes online and centralize the whole buying process at a single site.