‘Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.’ Eph 2:21 (NIV)

True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself. - Henry Miller

“Man is a feeble creature, to whom only submission and worship are becoming. Pride is insolence, and belief in human power is impiety” - Bertrand Russell

“Keep always in your mind, that, with due submission to Providence, a man of genius has been seldom ruined but by himself”- Samuel Johnson

Article of the week

Article number: 12/2010/33

Article Topic: Benefits of Submission

Welcome to this week’s issue of Life of Value article. This week we continue our sharing on living a life of value with focus on benefits of submission.
In our last edition we defined submission as the act of yielding to power or authority. In socio-political settings it’s the surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another. Submission was described as acknowledgment of inferiority or dependence; a humble or suppliant behaviour, confession of error. We will retain this definition and description. In our last edition we shared on two key prerequisites for submission. In this edition we will share briefly on some key benefits of submission – Submission pleases God. It protects everyone involved in the relationship; it delivers from troubles and pains and it promotes harmony and healthy relationship.

Submission pleases God – The God of the Bible demands submission in every relationship. Children are commanded to obey their parents in the Lord, because it is right (See Eph 6:1). Wives are urged to submit to their husbands as is fitting in the Lord. Employees are encouraged to be faithful in their service to their employers, to serve wholeheartedly (see Col 3: 18-24). As I looked closely at these Bible verses, it dawned on me that submission is not an option but a mandatory virtue for everyone who desires meaningful, effective and mutually beneficial relationship. Maybe you need to check every relationship you are engaged in right now. If they are of importance and worth keeping, then you need to assess your level of submission and see if there is any improvement you need to make to improve the value of the relationship.

Submission Protects - In every relationship where submission is demonstrated, everyone looks out for each other’s interest, so no one is left to suffer unduly. In a government and citizen relationship, law and orders are put in place to protect the citizen and by obeying (submitting to) the law, you are not doing the government any favour but you are only protecting yourself against the wrath of the law. The Bible says, ‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established’ (Rom 13:1 NIV).

Submission Delivers from Troubles - I have learnt from personal experience that submission delivers from troubles and pains. When I look back at some decisions I had made with disregard to my wife’s note of cautions, almost all of such decisions had resulted in waste of time and money coupled with mental stress. While men are generally logical in their thinking, most women are emotional, they need to feel it and when they can’t feel that it’s right no matter how logical it seems 90% of the time the women are right. Something ends up going wrong with it. I have checked this experience with some friends and their experience is not different in any way. So until my wife can feel it, I will rather not do it, particularly if the investment involved is substantial.

Submission Promotes Harmony & Healthy Relationship - Submission is an act of respect. When everyone in the boat submits to one another, it raises the value of the relationship and gives everyone a great sense of self worth and dignity. In such a relationship everyone wants to do more to keep the boat sailing because the feeling in the boat is great and everyone cherishes the sailing time.


Kemmy Oluleye
Email: info@lifeofvalue.com
Website: www.lifeofvalue.com

Author's Bio: 

Kemmy is a Management Consultant with many years of experience in Programme / Project management, Business & Process Management within I.T, Telecoms, Health and Logistics Industries. A certified Programme & Project Management Practitioner (MSP, PRINCE2) with academic qualifications which include: B.Tech Computer Sc, P.GD Manpower Development & M. Sc Economics.
His Key Strength includes: Leadership, Planning, Negotiation, Selling and Coaching.

Outside day-to-day consulting and employment activities, Kemmy is involved in lots of church based activities which include: Teaching, Speaking, Prayer Meetings and Supporting Mission based work.