Before You Use the Law of Attraction

The practice of the Law of Attraction or acknowledgement that it even exist is not new to the world. It is just new to some people. There are many definitions of the Law of Attraction and all of them are very similar. The law simply states that like attracts like or in other words you attract into your life your thoughts that you give energy attention and focus to. It also further states that it does not matter if these events or thoughts that you give attention to are either positive or negative. It further implies that your thoughts send out energy and vibration into the universe. The universe sees or reads these vibrations and energy and simply returns it to you. Some people have difficulty accepting this as being true for some reasons one of which is that they cannot equate thoughts and feelings with vibrations and energy. Some people will argue and explain that they have received things, events, situations and people whom they would never had made a request for in their life. The problem with people understanding and using this concept in their daily lives is that they do not know all that it entails.

Life would be very easy of we could just tune our vibrations to the universe , sit back in a lounge chair with our hands around our heads, and just wait to get the latest item off of our wish list. The law of attraction does not work that way. In order for it to work, we must do some things first. First we need to believe, we need to accept responsibility, we need to take a closer look at ourselves and we need to make some decisions.

First we need to believe that the Law of Attraction is going to work. We need to realize that if we do not honestly believe then we are just wasting our time because we will not put forth all of the required effort. We also need to take responsibility for our actions and realize that we are a direct result of all of the decisions that we have made with or lives. We then need to take a close look at ourselves, some self reflection. We need to do this because we need to determine our views about certain things and we need to be able to recognize our limiting beliefs and we need to make our limiting beliefs go away. That can be done with just acknowledging that they are holding us back and make a conscious effort to release them or we may need to do some sub coconscious exercises. Once all of that is done we need to change our nouns. Nouns are people places and things. We need to stop sharing our time and energy people with those who do not share our views, stop doing things that we know are not conducive to our progress and finally change the places where we go where we know we should not be but rather make a conscious decision to go to places where we are likely to be able to surround ourselves with people who have the same hopes desires and attitudes that we do. We also need to take charge for creating our destiny. We just can not sit back and wait for the universe to deliver we need to be proactive.

For example, when I decided that I wanted to set up a women’s network on line I made a conscious decision go to a club where I knew that a DJ from the local radio show would be. I introduced myself to her and we had a long conversation about my project and I discovered that she was in the process of producing a talk show for women and within minutes I had an invitation to come down to the station, meet with the manger to discuss me not just being a guest on her show but perhaps a co-host. I did not wait for her to come to me. I had put forth the effort to make contact with her. Once we have reformed our way of thinking by changing our perception and taking the appropriate actions to be in charge of our life, learn to trust our intuition to guide us in the right direction and align ourselves with our goals and purpose in mind then we are truly ready to embark on the full journey of the Law of Attraction.

Author's Bio: 

Deneen Blocker is a Life Coach which specializes in the Law of Attraction.e She is also the founder and the Chief Learning Officer of The Law of Attraction Coach Academy. For more information about her and for answers to any questions that you may have feel free to contact her via email.