Are there different kinds of demons, and are demons even real? Yes, based on our experience of clearing places and people of dark energy for more than 13 years, we believe so. We didn’t believe in demonic energy prior to our findings, but we now believe that both positive and negative energies exist in the universe, and that there are different entities associated with both sides. In this article, we explore different types of demons and why they target different types of people and situations.

Sexual Orientation Demons

Based on our empirical research, we believe that sexual orientation, like many characteristics, begins with the soul before birth. However, we also believe there exist demons that encourage gay sex as a way of breaking down some heterosexuals, or even gay or bi people who are uncomfortable with their orientation. We believe this to be particularly true if they are abusing alcohol, using drugs, or have great shame and fear about sex due to a strict religious upbringing.

Then there are those who believe homosexuality is a sin and rally against gays, and even gays who are biased against straight people. Any sort of strong prejudice, especially when it leads to a polarized political issue (i.e., gay marriage), which leads to more strife and chaos, we believe can involve demons. The universal demon motto seems to be, "The worse the anger, chaos, and division among people, the better."

Bad Mood Demons

Everyone has occasional challenging days or longer periods in their lives. It's easy to become pessimistic when things aren't going well, but always try to look on the bright side and keep your energy and that imaginary (or real, if you so choose) Light up. Imagining yourself protected with a bubble of Light positively impacts your subconscious mind (your subconscious can't tell the difference between real and imagined) and actually can have a protective impact on your life. Otherwise, letting pessimism grow and not protecting yourself can make your negative energy a beacon for the little demons to come running.

Religious Demons

There are countless good and even saintly religious people in the world. But those who are influenced by religious demons can be far from it. Religious demons are fueled by the guilt, fear and, or shame of their host, and derive great pleasure in convincing their targets to do terrible things. At the very least, religious demons can encourage their targets to be very intolerant in the name of their religion.

Religious demons also target those (e.g., atheists) who express negative sentiment against religion or New Age tenets.

Drug demons

Any street drug or mind altering prescription narcotic will lower your spiritual protective energy and allow dark energy and entities to attach to you or even possess you in extreme cases. Drug demons have a great appreciation for those who use drugs regularly, for they can allow demons to take complete control of their lives. We believe this is a key reason why addicts have such a difficult time overcoming their addiction.

Demon party

Add excessive alcohol and, or drugs to any of the situations above and the target will be certain to be the host of a demon party. Come one, come all; the weaker the host, the more demons jump on board, and the worse off the person becomes, along with those close to him.

What can you do if you think there may be dark energy intruding in your life? The most important way you can guard against any future interference is to always react with unconditional love and compassion instead of anger or fear, even in response to hatred and prejudice. Responding this way, even if it's only in your mind, will stop the back-and-forth volley of negative energy demons strive to incite.

Copyright © Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

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Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo help people advance their spiritual growth and get more out of life. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic: