Women commonly experience back pain in pregnancy. So, what are some of the reasons for this physical condition? When a woman gets pregnant, some of the hormones in her body known as the pregnancy hormones start to soften the ligaments. This movement further causes the joints to move around more than usual. This is the time when pregnant women start to feel pain in their back. Some women can even experience strained ligaments. Apart from the hormones, another cause is the postural problems that are caused by the growing uterus. Also, the position of the baby is another reason. Towards the end of pregnancy, the baby settles in a position that compresses the nerves causing the pain.

In dealing with back pain in pregnancy, women need to learn how to understand their body changes. They need to be flexible enough, so they can right away adjust to their present condition. It might be a little difficult, but they must try to learn how to establish a good posture. One way is to put a rolled up towel or lumbar cushion right behind the lower part of your back. You can also make use of pillows in order to prevent yourself from slouching.

Other ways of having good posture includes keeping your chin up, keeping your shoulders slightly up and back, keeping your head centered over the shoulders, keeping the knees slightly bent, and exercising with the focus on the abdominal muscles. Avoiding wearing high heel shoes can also help you prevent back pain in pregnancy.

You need to concentrate on exercising. By just walking for 20 to 30 minutes day, you can really prevent yourself from experiencing excessive back pain. Women, who don’t know when and how to start the exercise, should consult their midwife or physician regarding the most appropriate abdominal exercises in pregnancy. They can also ask a professional instructor.

Having a good amount of rest is very important for pregnant women. You need more rest towards the end of your pregnancy. Pregnant women should sleep on their side at night. Putting a pillow between the knees or using a body pillow will help. There are so many other techniques that could reduce or prevent back pain in pregnancy. However, these techniques will be ineffective without a good amount of self discipline. Women need to understand themselves first and develop the needed self discipline, before they proceed to applying some procedures that could keep them away from feeling pain at their back.

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