What are fractures and how are they related to back pain? Fractures are simply defined as breaks or cracks in the permanence of bones. There are, however, several types of fractures you can suffer from, namely: pathologic, complete, incomplete, avulsion, compressed, depressed, comminuted, greenstick, oblique, simple, spiral, compound, and transverse. When the fracture occurs in your back or hip bones, that is when you may suffer from back pain.

How are fractures found and diagnosed? Hematology tests and X-rays are often used to find fractures. And when a fracture is found, your doctor will take several things into consideration in order to come up with the right diagnosis. For example, if the fracture occurs in the back or hip bones, among the causes your doctor may consider are trauma, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, multiple myeloma, steroids, malnutrition, and bone tumours.

Once your doctor identifies the cause of your fracture, he will then proceed to assess the fracture itself in order to come up with a workable plan for treatment. Your doctor will have to see if there is any way he can localize the tissues around the fractured bone so as to avoid edema, muscle spasms, haemorrhage, nerve compression, and other possible complications. Take note that complications like edema can also lead to back pain.

How do doctors usually assess fractures? Your doctor may review false motions of your bones, ask you about pain caused by specific movements, and check for tenderness, deformity, and immobility. He may also check to see if your legs are still in normal alignment or if one is shorter than the other. Sensations of tingling, creeping, or pricking are also reviewed. As soon as the assessment is complete, your doctor will now come up with a treatment plan. Medical supervision and nurse intervention are usually required at this point.

Treatment and management of fractures often involve diet and exercise, but the actual treatment plan depends on the type and severity of the fracture, of course. Most diet plans recommended for patient suffering from fractured bones have a high protein, vitamins, and fluid content while being low in calcium. You may be surprised why a diet plan for fracture treatment is low in calcium when calcium is necessary for strong bones, but there are indeed cases when limited calcium intake is necessary. Of course, you can’t go on a low-calcium diet (or any other kind of diet for that matter) unless your doctor specifically required, recommended, or authorized it.

Fracture management may also include the elevation of your legs, especially if you suffer from a hip fracture. Isometric exercises may also be recommended. For back injuries, stretching exercises are generally advised. Whatever type of fracture you suffer from, what’s important is that you follow your doctor’s advice as regards treatment. And the next time you suffer from debilitating back pain, visit your doctor immediately, as the condition may already be a symptom of a fracture somewhere in your bones.

Author's Bio: 

Ed Delaney has used lumbar support cushion. To see if a lumbar support could help you ease back pain and to learn more please visit: http://lumbarsupportcushion.co.uk