B2B marketers face many challenges in the market. Usually, B2C marketers are in the pole position to deal with a single buyer, and just one buyer at a time. However B2B marketers have a different role. They just don’t deal with a single buyer, they are dealing with plenty of clients at the same time, and some might suggest that those buyers might be their colleagues or someone they know personally.

Let us refresh our minds by going back to the marketing basics, the 4P’s of marketing are unique in their ways and has different consequences for B2B marketers in how they position their services and products.

Products versus Services:

Wikipedia has a different approach. As per Wikipedia, products are divided into two categories – services and goods.

It would be a different thing to say that goods and products are becoming replaceable since we seldom say goods now. For this article, let me just be clear that when we say products, we are implying about the ‘goods’ and not goods and services.

The concept of Tangibility:

Intangible services and products are those types of products which cannot be held physically. These types of products do not have the required mass and deals with all sorts of consulting, information and even the likes of video games and various computer software.

Tangible types of goods and services are those which we encounter using the five senses. These types of goods and services can be touched, tasted, seen, smelled and even make a sound.

SEO and Content Marketing – An Essential Factor:

For product-based firms, digital marketing priorities are unique in comparison to the ones which are Business and services based.

On a general note, B2B organizations which are product based invest with a high percent rate in comparison to the majority of the marketing organizations.

Even though the difference may not be of that much, the organizations which are mostly based on products spend more social channels and digital mediums in comparison to what most of the firms spend.

Organizations which are based on services have more approach towards the human perspectives in customer services, marketing sales and experience cycles for the customers.

Most of the marketers in the B2B at services-based organizations usually spend a lot of resources and time in sales support by assisting and producing through provoking content for the managers in sales through case studies, testimonials, infographics, webinars and many more.

Author's Bio: 

Beatrice McGraw is a Professional Content Writer and Digital Marketer at ExportHub. She's an expert in digital marketing, content marketing, and lead generation. Follow her on Twitter at @McgrawBeatrice.