Ayurveda and The Wisdom of Life

Ayurveda is an ancient tradition which teaches us not only the right foods to eat, which herbs could benefit us the most, which natural oils to use and their applications, how to properly digest food, how to learn how to breathe much better, how to control our mental patterns and take control of our functions, how to incorporate yoga into our daily routine, but it also teaches us much more. Ayurveda is a very precise medical system which teaches you about the cycles of the day and the cycles of the seasons. In Ayurveda you find teachings that help you to better understand nature and its functioning. Ayurveda addresses the questions of when the best time to carry out these recommendations and an explanation as to why these are better times. In brief, Ayurveda really introduces you to yourself and the natural world so that you can align with nature and understand it better.
Ayurvedic Philosophy is very clear as to the health benefits you get from following this system. You get a description of who you are and what elements from nature are present in you. According to these percentages or proportions of elements the Ayurvedic Doctor tries to educate and guide you in understanding how to bring yourself back to balance and closer to nature. When a person tries and learns this system they begin to notice an enhancement in their health both in the short term and in the long term. When you give yourself ten days of following an ayurvedic regimen you begin to see that actually all of the pain from indigestion, acid reflux, and other maladies become a thing of the past (for most people). Most of our problems come from a problem in our lifestyles and a blatant disregard for health and for wellness. We must begin to understand ourselves better and form habits which are positive and enhancing rather than our usual habits of unhealthy living and destructive patterns. Easy and simple habits that we can form can have a huge impact in our health and consequently on the amount of money that we spend on health. We live in a beautiful country with incredible freedoms but the fact is that we are one of the country’s which have the most expensive form of health care and also one of the sickest populations. Some have even gone so far as to declare a current health epidemic crisis because of the obesity rates in the country. We can begin to change that today. It can begin with you. If we were all to take ownership of who we are and to take care of ourselves we will quickly find ourselves a much more productive nation and country. We will also find ourselves having less trouble with our health care system which is in crisis. This health responsibility can only be ours. We are responsible for ourselves and our health and we should put this responsibility at the top of our priority list and not at the bottom as we usually do because we take health for granted. Ayurveda and Ayurvedic principles can go a long way in teaching us how to live a healthier lifestyle and how to also share this wisdom with others. Ayurveda has recommendations that make sense. If you look to the principles of how one heals according to Ayurveda you will find that the methods are very simple. So simple in fact that we also disregard them. Drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep, developing an exercise routine, using natural herbs and oils for the enhancement of your health. Growing into a habit of not eating late and not skipping breakfast. We might have already heard a lot of what Ayurveda asks of you but we do not apply it. We need to begin taking responsibility if we hope to continue to be the world leader and in this way perhaps we can even help in teaching others how they can lead better lives. 

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