Dr. Lynda Klau

“Avoidance works but Awareness works better and is in the direction of Evolution.” Marilyn Ferguson

Years ago I read that sentence in an inspirational book by Marilyn Ferguson called “The Aquarian Conspiracy.” There are some lines that you hear once and never forget. This is one of them. Ferguson was right. Avoidance does work. You can push down, cut off, go far away, blame, not see—to varying degrees—feelings and thoughts inside you. You can live with a broken shower head, a doorbell that hasn’t rung in years, not see the garbage on the streets and much more. Avoidance supports you in living with the hard stuff without addressing it, without even being aware of it. Avoidance helps you go forward. And, yet, there is a price to pay.


See your right hand pushing your left fist down. Be your right hand. How much energy does your right hand need to keep your left fist down? Now see your left hand, after being held down for quite some time, and be your left hand, busting lose. Explosions happen from the repressed and suppressed. In the places where you avoid how can you be truly connected with yourself? How can you be fully intimate with another? How can your heart be wide open to all of life?

In order to survive many of us have had to avoid. May we honor “avoidance.” And realize its price.

Awareness at its best means observing from a place that watches and does not judge. It is about waking up. You wake up to your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and decisions you’ve made about yourself and the world. I am bad. The world is dangerous. It’s my fault. You wake up to reality, the facts: you see the broken showerhead, you don’t have a job, your relationship is a mess. And you wake up to your calm center, your essence. As you build awareness you are also building another place on which to stand that holds the “all and the everything” from love and openness. From this perspective you can wholeheartedly see what is, and grow with it. What’s the downside? Often feelings and facts hurt. But the whole truth is they only hurt for a little while and then, the truth when felt, sets you free.

Do you want to move toward Awareness? Can you see some of its benefits?

What is the key to developing your Awareness? What is the major obstacle?

I always want to hear from you,


Dr. Lynda Klau

Founder & Director of

LifeUnlimited: The Center for Human Possibility



1 212 595 7373

Author's Bio: 

For over two decades, Lynda has worked with individuals, couples, teams and organizations as an integrative psycho-spiritual therapist, coach and holistic business strategist. A professional public speaker, and published author, Lynda conducts workshops nationally and internationally and appears on radio and television.

An expert in the development of human possibility, she addresses a full spectrum of issues, from depression, anxiety and relationship issues, to leadership, female empowerment, self-care, finding your passion, manifesting your power, and pursuing your calling in the world.

She currently serves on the Board of GAINS: The Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology. Since 2009, she has hosted a monthly online seminar for professionals in the greater New York metropolitan area with Dr. Dan Siegel, one of the founders of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB). A former tenured Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ramapo College in New Jersey, she now serves on the faculty of ASP’s Spirituality and Psychotherapy Graduate Program.

Her recent training in IPNB naturally compliments her unique set of skills and cutting- edge tools for transformation, which together form the foundation of her company Life Unlimited: The Center for Human Possibility. Her practice is based in New York City, where she lives.