As we all know, the prostate is an essential male reproductive organ. Once prostatitis occurs, people will experience frequent urination, urgency, pain, unsmooth urination, bifurcated urine line, decreased urine volume, increased frequency of urination at night, and milky white secretion during urination or defecation. It can even cause complications, seriously affect the quality of life.

Therefore, patients with prostatitis need active treatment. In general, if the number of leukocytes increases after the routine examination of prostatic fluid, antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, azithromycin, and levofloxacin, will be recommended.

Because most patients have chronic prostatitis, the treatment cycle is relatively long. However, long-term use of antibiotics will lead to drug resistance and side effects. Therefore, safe and effective natural medicine treatment, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, will be a better choice.

What are the three things that patients with prostatitis should not do?

1. Less sedentary

The prostate's position determines that men sit on the prostate mainly, so men who often sit for a long time have a heavy burden on the prostate. Sitting posture can slow down blood circulation, lead to chronic congestion and blood stasis of the prostate, accumulation of local metabolites, obstruction of the prostate duct, and low excretion of gland fluid, leading to chronic prostatitis. And with the occurrence of prostatitis, one can not sit for a long time. Otherwise, it will continue to occur inflammation.

2. Less alcohol

Alcohol can cause prostate tissue hyperemia. A lot of alcohol will stimulate prostate tissue hyperemia. Over time, it is easy to lead to chronic prostatic inflammation. When you have prostatitis, be sure to drink less, or even if you pay for treatment, it will happen again and again.

3. Less urine holding

We all know that keeping urine will increase the bladder's pressure and make the bladder wall thinner, which will lead to bladder lesions. However, as the bladder is adjacent to the prostate, inflammation will gradually spread to the prostate, leading to the prostate's inflammation, which is a vicious circle. Therefore, whether you have prostatitis or not, it is recommended that you urinate less.

What three things should prostatitis patients do more?

1. Eat more apples

There is "Apple therapy" in medicine, which is a common method to treat chronic prostatitis. Often eat apples. The zinc in apples can improve the zinc deficiency of patients with chronic prostatitis. Compared with the commonly used zinc-containing drugs, apples are more effective than zinc-containing drugs. They are safe, easy to digest, easy to absorb, and readily accepted by patients.

2. Eat more pumpkin seeds

Traditional Chinese medicine always pays attention to diet and supplements, and prostate protection is no exception. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence storage is related to reproduction. And it is related to bladder and urination. So eating some kidney tonic products is suitable for the prostate. Pumpkin seeds are not only kidney tonic products but also diuretics. Therefore, men with prostatitis should eat more pumpkin seeds, which is suitable for diuretics and kidney Qi deficiency.

3. Eat more tomatoes

Lycopene in tomatoes can remove free radicals in the prostate and protect the prostate. Therefore, for men with prostatitis, eating more tomatoes is equivalent to adding a prostate protection net to themselves. Generally speaking, adults eat 100 to 200 grams of tomatoes daily to meet the body's demand for lycopene.

However, it should be remembered that lycopene needs to be heated and cooked in fat, making it easier for the body to absorb, so eating cooked tomatoes can play a role. However, vitamin C is usually supplemented with raw tomatoes.

Prostatitis is a long process of treatment. Therefore, in the treatment process, patients need timely drug treatment and need to pay special attention to maintenance and conditioning. The above points as to the matter can help to relieve prostatitis pain symptoms faster.

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