Lin is one of the first people I met at the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association (BAIPA) meetings when I joined several years ago. As a board member and past president she put in an incredible amount of work on BAIPA meetings and presenters. Lin has a lot of experience helping authors get noticed, and one of the best ways is through radio interviews. Here she gives you tips on how to handle those valuable platform-building events when you’re getting ready to go “on the air.”

Radio producers . . . Radio advertisers . . . Radio hosts and their audiences.

They need YOU!

Radio needs to fill air time. So why not fill that air time with you?

After all, you are the expert, you are the professional with the answers or solutions to help your readership.

You have written a book—your passion. Now it is time to turn that passion into publicity. Your book is the vehicle for what is regarded in the media world as your “platform” to present your position or message. And it is your voice they want to hear!

How do you prepare for a (great) radio interview?

* The first thing I advise is to create a series of pre-interview questions and answers, which you can present to the radio talk show producer and/or host.

This not only helps you to focus on what you would like to say, but it also helps you to consolidate your answers. When you create this sample Q/A, you essentially are helping the producer and the host to do their jobs, as well as keeping them on track so that they can keep their listeners on track.

I have used this tactic to “pitch” authors to radio producers who haven’t even read the book . . . and it works!

By picking a solid number of questions where you want to spend your time, you will secure your message with the audience . . . something most radio commentators want to insure . . . especially if yours is a controversial topic. Lastly, a good series of questions will get you the attention your topic/book deserves.

Also, a terrific resource I encourage my clients to use is Joe Sabah’s How to Get on Radio Talk Shows All Across America, a how-to book and CD of national radio producers.

OK, now that you have your pre-interview questions in hand, let’s get started.

* Know what you are going to say. Have your basic message down . . . but not “rote” so that you “go into it” at the drop of a hat in a machine-gun style.
* Listen! Listen to the question from the host or from the caller.
* Answer the question . . . and then you can elaborate on what you think are the more distilled points of your message.
* Communicate . . . Discuss . . . Engage.
* Don’t preach. No high-horse, here. Remember: You are partnering with the host to inform the audience.
* Tell the truth. No explanation here. You want to hear the truth, so does your audience. “I don’t know” or “I will find out, and follow-up with you,” is better than stammering or contriving a half-baked response.
* Do not “pitch” your book as an “answer.” The book is a vehicle to reach your readers, and responding to a question with “Read my book!” is not an answer. You and the information you are imparting are the topics of the day. Prove you know your stuff and you will win the readers’ hearts and minds.

Last but not least, have fun! The host and the audience will hear it in your voice. Your voice is the messenger!

Get out of your head . . . and into your message. That alone can take you From (Your) Passion to Publicity.

Author's Bio: 

Lin Lacombe started in Broadcast (Radio) Journalism from San Francisco State University and became a news director, writer, and interviewer. She spent years on the public relations agency side advancing Fortune 100 tech firms and startups. As a literary publicist and book launch advisor and president of From Passion to Publicity,, she counsels authors how to produce the best book from manuscript to book launch and how to market and publicize their message. She is a former Board Member of the Women’s National Book Association-SF Bay Area and president of the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association. She has been a featured speaker at the California Writers Club, Independent Book Publishers Association, Independent Book Sellers Association, Northern California Publishers & Authors and others. She is a contributing writer for the IBPA Independent, Brian Jud’s Marketing newsletter, Sell More Books and other outlets