Building a business is not an easy task despite what all the internet gurus are trying to tell you. If it was so easy we would all be millionaires and we wouldn’t need them. Building a successful business takes time and patience.

Some will build businesses faster than others, but never go by what someone else has done concentrate on what you will do. You could be the next big thing. No one knows what God will make of a man or what He will do by him.

When attracting people to your business you must ask yourself this question, who am I? It doesn’t matter whether you are prospecting through a social website, blogging, ads, flyers, on the phone, or face to face it will always come back to that question. People will want to know who you are more than about your business.

Are you a leader? People are always looking for the person who offers more value. Are you skilled and knowledgeable in the industry you’re in? Can you offer the help your prospect will need to build their business? Prospects will be looking for that person who can teach them the skills that they need.

Remember you are marketing you. People will be attracted to you before they are attracted to your business. Prospects will want to know that you can lead and guide them. Keep the focus on you not your business.

When prospecting over the phone even though they can’t see you your voice will tell them a lot. Does your voice have volume, do you sound confident, and are you excited about what you’re doing. Always smile it will come through even though they can’t see it.

When prospecting face to face you need to have a level of fitness and health about you a level of vitality and positive energy about yourself. You want to be dressed sharp not sloppy. Be comfortable in your own skin; be in charge of your world, smile, and have fun.

Never act needy what you have to offer is of high value. Show that you are happy where you are in life and convey a sense of abundance. Don’t react to other people’s emotions and don’t try to impress them. The person trying to impress is always perceive as the person with lower value or status. Know that you are a leader and you will get attention naturally without even trying.

What is your story? You’re essentially selling yourself in your story. You want to position yourself as the leader and expert your prospects want to work with. You have two goals: to be viewed as an authority, and have them relate to you and trust you. Create an atmosphere of experience.

Here is a quick 6 step formula to develop yourself and your story.

1. On your website, social website, etc… you want to have lots of pictures. Show that you are a real person having fun and loving life.

2. Describe your background, give proof you are a real person. Intrigue them, tell them about your hobbies and so forth.

3. Establish a problem, a crisis in your life. What was your life like before you started your business. Tell how you found the business. Get the people to feel the emotion you felt. Find ways to connect with them.

4. Then, you give a solution. Things changed when I found my home business (don’t mention the company name). Sell it with emotion, talk about living your dreams.

5. Call to action. Get them to you, to your website, to call you, etc…

6. Describe who you want to work with. Say, before you call me this is who I want to work with. Let them know exactly what you want. You don’t want someone looking for a job. Let them know you can only work with 5 people a week who know what they want and are willing to put the time in. This puts you on a higher pedestal.

You can create your own website if you have the skills. Most web companies have templates that make it easy for you.

You can use social networking sites to create your profiles. The key is to sell you with confidence.

In conclusion, when attracting people to your business remember that you are selling YOURSELF and nothing else. Bond with your prospect as a person first and only then can you continue to and show them the business information.

Author's Bio: 

Eric L Huntley is trainer of independent vendors, visit his website here