One of the most frequent desires of people seeking a feng shui consultation is to attract or enhance a loving, supportive, intimate relationship. If this is your desire, pay particular attention to the Relationship area of the feng shui grid or bagua.

Before you even go there, think about the qualities you most value in a relationship. Make a list of the top ten most important qualities of relationship for you.

Personally, laughter is high on my list. This automatically includes intelligence, quickness of mind, and seeing the humor in just about everything. Feng shui translation: Fire energy; whimsy and vibrant colors.

Allowingness is another biggie. We each accept the parts of each other we find odd, weird, or silly. Feng shui translation: the easy flow of life force/chi energy.

Mutual support of each other's dreams. Maybe you want to learn to dance, develop a new business, and your sweetie wants to go back to school to become an attorney. Feng shui translation: symbols that represent dancing, the new business, and the study of law.

Shared Activities. Perhaps you have a passion for bird watching, travel, bridge, or golf and wish to share them with your beloved. A hand crafted pair of doves or other birds that mate for life organically combines your Relationship desires with bird-watching.

Now go to the Relationship area of your overall home and then the Relationship area of especially the bedroom and see what's there.

Standing at your architectural front door, facing in, the Relationship area is the far right corner. Likewise, as you stand at the door of each room, it is the far right corner.

It is not necessary nor is it recommended that there be a relationship symbol in the Relationship Area of every room. Frankly, that is overkill.

What is important is that there is nothing there that actively harms relationships. This is not the area for a gun collection unless you both collect them, prickly cactus, or kitchen knives. If you're a golf widow, the golf trophies are better placed elsewhere.

If that area is "missing," it is outside rather than inside, all is not lost. An outdoor patio ready for a cozy conversation for two with a pair of doves and healthy plants is an area that welcomes relationship.

Does your relationship area warmly embrace your top ten relationship qualities? Or does it repel them?

For help in understanding the subtle feng shui messages your surroundings are sending, call or email Kathleen for a feng shui consultation, feng shui interior design services, or feng shui design coaching services.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Tumpane ASID is available for custom interior design, home & office feng shui consultations, and speaking engagements. She is the author of Slim House Slim Body. For more info, visit or call 760.568.2933.