“Dad and mom think rock music is stupid, poke along under the speed limit, and I wouldn’t be caught dead in their clothing and hair styles.” Sound familiar? It’s what I thought in the teenage years while wearing my blue suede shoes with white socks, cuffed jeans and greased hair.

In later years it was followed by “Where did these teenage clothing and hair styles come from? The boys are trying to look like girls and the girls like something in a horror movie. Their music is so loud I cover my ears.”

Still later it was “Did you see that kid with his pants falling off and his hat on sideways? He must running for class clown.” Etc.

One thing I have noticed is that young boys and girls are attracted to each other regardless of hair and clothing styles. Imagine that.

Another is that there are only so many hair and clothing styles. They rotate around and eventually repeat.

Every generation wants to be seen as modern and up to date. Old fashioned is not popular with the young and styles are not only an easy way to differ but a safe little rebellion. That and some other things never seem to change.

Written descriptions of life go back twenty five hundred years or more and some of it could have been written today. Put Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer in robes or togas and you have ancient China or Greece. The characters come and go, technology changes habits but how to live successfully stays the same.

People want food, water, clothing and shelter plus freedom from fear. In an organized society the best way to get these things is getting along and working together. I can have every toy imaginable or just the basics and be safe and happy as long as I don‘t abuse my neighbors.

Too simple? Sure. Wars, natural disasters, problems and exceptions have interrupted life and will again but the basic idea is sound. Day to day living makes up the vast majority of our years. Individual versions of success vary but all are achieved by learning what to do and doing it. Study and effort.

Study yourself first. Become aware with complete honesty about your feelings, desires, fears and your attitudes toward others. Not what you are supposed to have according to somebody else. Not what you tell people to impress them. The truth whether you are proud of it or not.

Changing what you don’t like about yourself is an amazing learning experience. Maybe the most important one you ever had. It is addictive and easier than you imagine.

That effort in turn promotes greatly improved relations. Inner honesty becomes honesty with others. Truth, warts and all brings relaxation. Tension and stress are reduced. Efficiency and effectiveness increase.

Don’t worry about the attitudes of the young. They cure themselves with a little time just like they have for thousands of years. Keep an open mind and smile while you watch it happen.

Continued interest in yourself, your progress, people and life can make the difference between drudgery and enjoyment for the rest of your life. Which would you rather have?

Author's Bio: 

Husband, father, grandfather. Military language school, college marketing curriculum, corporate management and sales schools. Business owner, manager, top salesman. Toastmasters past president, director in business clubs, writer, author, insatiably curious.