Thread by thread the rope unravels; clutter and disorganization have won the battle and stolen your peace and serenity. Your life has become unmanageable.
You can purge stuff, organize it what’s left into nice containers or create a new filing system.

These are fundamental tasks in organizing; however, if you do not address how it is things got this way you’ll be right back where you started.
We have become a society of instant gratification and quick fixes, and much like other addictions; food, drugs even gambling; shopping, collecting and accumulating takes time, work and willingness to change.

Think about it. You know you have cleared stuff out, or really attempted you, you know you have tried every possible filing system available and you have enough containers to open your own store. You know you have reached the end of your rope; clutter and disorganization are affecting you financially, spiritually, emotionally and in your relationships.

This is for the person who’s life is completely unmanageable and continues to become more unmanageable; can’t find what you need, bills not getting paid on time, late fees racking up, can’t walk through the house without stepping over things, can’t sit on the couch without having to move things out of the way, can’t sleep in your own bed due to the clutter! And this has been the norm for a while…

It’s not a think about it, try harder solution. STOP. It’s a feeling solution, a spiritual solution. It’s inner work, it’s a “sometimes you gotta go through the muck” solution. It’s getting to the bottom of the purpose clutter and disorganization serve in your day to day activities. There can be a million different possible discussions; each person has a different story as to how they got here.

The important thing to remember is that the solution lies in the present going forward, it does take some retrospect to understand how clutter is serving you today; however, it does not serve you to focus on how you got there as much as the how you are going to do it differently.

The key lies in understanding how clutter serves you today. There may be messages in your subconscious that tell you that you are not financially successful or that you are not valuable; so you stack up the bills, put off paying, spend unconsciously, and create debt. You may choose clutter as a way to keep people at a distance if you do not feel lovable, valuable or worthy. You may be using things to try to fill a space inside you that was created at a very young age by neglect, abuse or abandonment.

Stay tuned for further discussion on each area as we explore a spiritual solution to the messages you have been telling yourself that are untrue. Reverse the self sabotage that keeps you from living the amazing life you are meant to live. You are a beautiful and valuable human being. You deserve to give yourself the gift of a wonderful life, and it does take work!

In the meantime, write about how clutter and disorganization are making your life unmanageable. Allow yourself to be willing to look honestly at the truth about it. When you become truly willing to see, hear and feel whatever it takes to live your life differently, you get the answers you need to go forward. Share your writing with a VERY trusted friend or professional who can help you take the next step to bringing your life back to the peaceful present; the place we all deserve to live.

You deserve a beautiful, peaceful, happy life!

Author's Bio: 

Organizing expert Kelli Wilson works with clients at a deeper level to get to the heart of their clutter issues. The fresh perspective in her articles addresses the inside job of dealing with clutter and disorganization. With a more manageable life as the goal, Kelli guides clients through the steps to getting their life back. Kelli lives in Sacramento but works with clients all over the country. She can be reached at or 916/765-6104.