I believe we humans, each and every one of us, are evolving as a collective. We are all moving without the ability to block the process for evolution cannot be stopped. And, at the same time, each of us is an individual, following our own individual trajectory towards a new way of being and so all will be called collectively and yet each will move individually.

That is an energetic evolutionary interpretation -a totally different understanding than the concept of ascension.

Will some of us disappear and others get left behind?

I believe we humans, each and every one of us, are evolving as a collective. We are all moving without the ability to block the process for evolution cannot be stopped. And, at the same time, each of us is an individual, following our own individual trajectory towards a new way of being and so all will be called collectively and yet each will move individually.

That is the energetic evolutionary interpretation -a totally different understanding than the concept of ascension.

Will some of us disappear and others get left behind? It is certainly possible, but the explanation I offer for this phenomenon is not religious or spiritual; it is energetic.

We are not ascending or disappearing from physicality and being taken up to join with g-d; we are evolving. As our energies speed up, as we shift our way of being and living as energetic creatures, we may eventually loose our bodies. This might take years, decades or centuries, but it does seem to be inevitable. How will it occur? I do not know. We can all speculate as much as we wish, but since this evolution has never taken place before, we are just guessing and trying to turn the unknown into facts that are not known.

Let's put our focus on what is happening right before our eyes as we exist here today, 2012.

What can we become aware of energetically' that we were unaware of before?

What can we awaken to inside of us energetically, around us energetically, in the larger global field energetically?

How will this new awareness lead us to act?
What will these awakenings lead us to feel and do?

What can we learn about being affected by the energies and affecting them in return?

What steps can we take today to act as if the evolutionary shifts have already taken place that will, in turn, speed up the process?

How can we move the evolutionary process forward?
Can we?
Are we willing?
That is where I feel we need to focus, rather than on the disappearing act of a few so-called 'enlightened' beings.
However, it is certainly possible that one day in the future, some individuals will evolve faster than others. Their frequencies will speed up to such an extent, they will become less and less dense, less and less physically present, and more and more energetically, vibrationally lighter and lighter until one day, they could indeed, disappear....

Ah...the wonders of new world!

For more information on the difference between Spirituality, Religion and Energetics, Ascension & Evolution, please see my book, Multi-Dimensional YOU, available through my website. www.transformationenergetics.com or from Amazon.

Author's Bio: 

Elaine Seiler is an Energeticist, Author, Facilitator, & Coach, specializing in the field of Energetics. She is a conduit for other dimensional energies, thereby catalyzing transformation, evolution, and the awakening of multi-dimensionality in her clients.


Visit her web site to read about her groundbreaking new book on Energetics and Evolution and to receive her free E-Books.