Shock! Gasp! Horror! Article writing service is now useless and services article marketing is dead! So many people thought when the update algorithm much misunderstood commonly known as "farmer" was introduced in the Internet marketing world by Google. The panic was palpable, and you could almost smell the fear in many of the hysterical posts and articles writing on this terrible thing that Google had made just for us.

Google protects its customers

Nonsense, of course, because Google does not usually hurt those responsible for their existence, although only marginally responsible, but protect the people you think are your customers. These are the people who use Google as a search engine to find information - not those using the search engine to advertise!

If you are offering good information on its website, or using article writing directories, then write the article to be alive and well and the services of article writing so you can continue to promote their sites for information. Naturally, their websites have to offer useful information, although sites dedicated sales are still considered to provide customers with a service of Google. So what was the purpose of this update algorithm that Google introduced in February?

The Panda-Update Algorithm farmers

Although the dust has settled, and everyone has had their two cents of commentary and explanations, there are still a lot of misunderstandings. Even my explanation here might not satisfy everyone, and some may disagree with me. It is your right to do so, but as an article ghost writer good reputation and experience of many years, I think my opinion is worth expressing so that someone else out there.

Article writing was not the goal of Google, and neither were the services of article writing that still allow you to use articles to promote their websites and products. Google is the large number of poorly written information, in a nutshell:

• Articles spin of an article writing master

• Bad rewrite PLR articles

• poor writing paper offers little benefit to the reader

• Items that provide little information, designed just to get clicks to sales pages

• Very short articles 250 - under 400 words

• Article important misspelled

• Article written with poor grammar

Software-generated articles taken from Web content scraping

In short, Google is trying to improve the quality of the content provided to their customers seeking useful information. This was not only the content in the form of articles, but also regular website content. Google does not want to see the same type of content in a large number of results pages, even if it may be presented slightly differently. They do not want to find a text that is almost unreadable, as it has been so badly written.

For those confused by the name of the algorithm update, Google called 'Panda' after the technician in India who developed it. It was given "farmer" the popular name for those who believed that their purpose of being the target of so-called "content farm." That was not strictly the case, although farms suffered content correctly, largely due to the low quality of many of those sites offering content.

The future of article marketing services

Services Article writing is going strong, and you can still promote their websites by publishing well-written articles of reasonable length that offer useful content which relates to the title. Also make sure that the article writing resource takes readers to a page on your site that is directly related to the subject of the article - this is another aspect of article writing service that many do not seem to have understood.

Another factor in a well written article is that it should be filled with keywords. Even a% keyword density is about these days spam. Since the introduction of the Google algorithm update LSI, it was not necessary to fill in the keywords in your article marketing campaigns. In writing, of course, is the key to guide high of a good article, informative.

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Article Writing Service knows good Article Writing Service and offers some of the best Article Writing Services at the best prices out today. Cheap Article Writing is now taking new SEO clients for their SEO plan.