Doing article marketing is relatively easy. All you need to do is write (or buy) articles and distribute them to article directories. But succeeding in this endeavor is quite another thing. Getting on top of this game can be difficult considering the number of people that you’re going up against. Everyday, internet marketers are publishing new articles and it can be very difficult for others to get their articles noticed.
This is the reason why I am writing this article. In here, I wish to share with you some of my article marketing secrets that can help you in getting the kind of attention you need in the online arena.

1. Talk about something interesting. In order for you to be able to realize your article marketing goals, you need to make sure that your target audience would open and read your articles. This will only happen if you talk about something that will grab their attention. Go ahead and identify the keywords that they’re using on search engines when they’re looking for specific information in the online arena. These keywords will give you a crystal clear idea about the topics and information that they’re looking for.

2. Learn how to write catchy titles. Don’t let your target audience ignore your articles. Give your copies an edge and increase their chances of being opened by using catchy, interesting titles. Identify the best words to use that can trigger certain emotions. Tell these people the gist of your content or the things that they’ll be able to accomplish after reading your articles.

3. Keep them interested. After successfully getting your target audience to open your articles, your next task is to ensure that they’ll read your content until they reach your resource box. How to keep them interested? Well, based on my experience, these people will not stop reading as long as they’re getting useful information and as long as they’re entertained. Obviously, it would work to your advantage if you make all your articles very informative – ensure that they each contain in-depth information that will help your readers in increasing their knowledge on your chosen topics. Then, make them interesting to read by writing them using friendly, conversational tone.

4. Give your readers valid reason to click through your resource box. Your success in article marketing will be measured based on your click through rate. You’ll be able to get more people to click the link of your squeeze page or website if you give them valid reasons to believe that you’re an expert in your niche and that you’re a great source of useful information. It will also help if you offer them something for free like ebooks or free short seminars.

5. Write more articles. Do not stop writing articles even if you have impressive clickthrough rate. Remember, you cannot get too much traffic. Write and distribute more articles and ensure that they have what it takes to get your readers to like and trust you.

Author's Bio: 

Sean Mize is an expert at using article marketing to drive highly targeted traffic to websites. He initially developed and mastered many of the advanced article marketing tactics that are currently being used by hundreds if not thousands of marketers today (he has personally taught several thousand clients his article marketing methods and techniques)

Sean Mize is an article marketing expert and coach. Here's one of his best
article written: List Building With Twitter and Other Social Media