Aroma-gems was developed from very ancient healing modalities, in modern day terms it is a therapy which integrates the healing vibrational energies of crystals, colours and aromatic essences to prevent dis-ease, enhance well being at a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional level, which through the achievement of inner balance awakens inborn and deep self-healing processes.

By combining the ancient ageless wisdom with contemporary knowledge of the energetic healing powers of stones, colors and scents their synergies provide unique high frequencies which may be utilized by the healer-practitioner to awaken the seekers own healing powers, this means that a skilful combination of the stones, colors and natural scents acts as a catalyst to open blocked energy channels and allow the micro-cosmos of each and every cell in the body to react to this trigger and set its own energy in motion to initiate and continue the vibrational changes required to reclaim lost balance and harmony.

We are a micro-cosmos which reflect the macrocosmos of the universe that surrounds us, and thus have the innate ability to heal ourselves, however, through the milenia we have lost these ability, or to be more accurate due to a number of diverse external factors have forgotten that we are able to harness the universal energy to stay in optimum health.

By using the synergies of crystals, scents and colors chose and combined in the right proportions to help us to awakes this forgotten healing powers we are returning to our original energetic state, being in tune with the energies of the universe and of our own planet, Mother Earth.

In aromagems-therapy we honor the creator and look at the tree of life for guidance in the choice of the necessary elements and methodology which will best be of service to each client.

We consider the importance of forgiveness, as without being forgiven and forgiving those who in some way have touched a cord and hurt us we will not be able to access the Source and achieve lasting healing.

Aromagemas treatment plans are carefully and individually formulated after an exhaustive life history, personal analysis and prioritizing short and long term requirements.

Aromagems-therapy provides a valuable buffer and cushion against the negative effects of stress, by addressing the bodies responding defence mechanisms, such as those mediated by the psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrine axis, and allowing the return of a state of balance and harmony, which in turn will holistically help to prevent the repetitive response to the individual triggers and the long term development and appearance of immune related debilitating dis-eases and further cell memory responses to past traumas, which, can be a leading cause of some malignancies.

For ease of choice, the practitioner may choose one of nine blends, all of which are formulated to suit one of the seven main chakras plus the earth star and soul star chakras, which should be used by either the trained therapist or by the sufferers themselves, these can be used, depending on the need either directly on the relevant areas of the physical body, or on the etheric field corresponding to the area which requires treatment, the length and frequency of the treatments is directly linked to the needs of the sufferer and therefore should only be chosen after careful consideration is given to the consultation notes, the prioritizing of the presenting symptoms and signs and the acute or chronic nature of the ailment or imbalances.
During this contemporary time the most important chakra we work with is the heart chakra, to help humanity to live life from a heart centered connection, and thus remember our innate capacity to love unconditionally.
“Love makes the world go round” is a phrase I heard many times in my life, beginning during my childhood and always since then.
Love is difficult to define, as, there are a large number of different feelings and emotions encompassed in this term, the love for our parents, our children, our life partners, significant others, ourselves, humanity, all beings on the planet and the planet itself.

We are deeply connected with the frequencies of love through our hear chakra, traditionally the Anahata or Fourth Chakra.

The heart chakra is located at the center of the chest, at the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra, with a front and a back aspect, approximately 1 inch outside the physical framework.
The heart chakra opens toward the frontal plane of our body and has 12 Divisions or Nadis.
The Heart Chakra radiates with the color frequencies of green, pink, and sometimes gold. Green is the colur of healing, sympathy and harmony.

An OPEN Heart Chakra can change the world around us and unite, reconcile, or even heal those around us and our surroundings.
“ I love myself unconditionally every minute of each and every day”
“Life is about being loved unconditionally”
The area of our physical body which is associated to the heart chakra is the whole thoracic cavity, including the ribs, the lungs, and the heart.
All of these organs of our physical body respond to being bathed with the colors of pink and green to bring back the lost balance, these colors are also very beneficial in the recovery period from any trauma to this area, as well as to open our hearts and work from a point of unconditional love radiating from within, from our soul.
Once again, the vibratory frequency of the colour green helps us to open our heart, and to be at one with nature, mother earth and all living beings while the vibratory frequency of the color pink puts us in touch with our unlimited and endless source of unconditional love.
Some gemstones associated to the heart chakra are: aventurine, peridot, malachite, rose quartz, green, pink and watermelon tourmalines, nirganite and kunzite.
Some essential oils which are of benefit to open the heart are: bergamot, rose, geranium and linden blossom.
The element air is also associated with the 4th chakra.
The feelings and behavior you may experience which are related to the state of your heart chakra are as follows:

A BLOCKED Heart Chakra
If our Heart Chakra is completely closed, we will show coldness, indifference or even "heartlessness."
Common phrases we may find ourselves thinking or repeating when our heart chakra is blocked are “I am completely out of balance”, “I suffer from depression”.
Let us now look at some sample aromagemas recipes which you may want to try to balance and unblock our Heart Chakra:


Rose Rosa damascena 1 drop
Sacred Sage Salvia sancta 1 drop
Patchouli Pogostemom cablin 2 drops
Sandalwood Santalum album 2 drops


2 drops of each of the following Gem Essences:
Amethyst, Rose de France, Citrine and Clear Quartz


The colors visualized while preparing this synergy are Pastel Pink and Grass Green.

Rose Hip Seed carrier 9.7ml = 194 drops
Total amount of 3% blend: 10ml

Take a 10-ml bottle, and place in it the essential oils in the order in which they are listed, replace the lid and roll the bottle between your palms for about 30 seconds, and then add the jojoba base oil, once again replace the lid and roll between your palms.

You can use this blend either in massage or in the bath, for your bath add 10 drops of the above blend to your bath.



Himalayan Cedarwood Cedrus deodora 2 drops
Tangerine Citrus reticulate 2 drops
Petitgrain Combava Citrus hystrix 2 drops


2 drops of each of the following Gem Essences:
Amethyst, Rose de France, Citrine and Clear Quartz


The colors visualized while preparing this synergy are Pastel Pink and Grass Green.

Jojoba carrier 9.7ml = 194 drops

Total amount of 3% blend: 10ml

Take a 10-ml bottle, and place in it the essential oils in the order in which they are listed, replace the lid and roll the bottle between your palms for about 30 seconds, and then add the jojoba base oil, once again replace the lid and roll between your palms.

You can use this blend either to massage your partner or in the bath, for your bath add 10 drops of the above blend to your bath.

For your diffuser you may just add the 6 drops of essential oil to the difuser, after blending them together in the suggested amounts

Author's Bio: 

Vivian Nadya Lunny, MD, MBBS *Medical Barchelor, Batchelor of Surgery, MDMA *Medical Doctor Medicina Alternativa,
Facebook page:!/doctorvivian
Aguila del Norte
Author of:
Aromatherapy for the Birthing Year, Crystal Healing
Crystal Zodiac e books
Aromatherapy and Colour Healing Sections of the Reader’s Digest Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine.
Doctor Vivian has been Speaking at International Conferences of Aromatherapy Worldwide since 1992, teaching Aromatherapy Professional Certification Courses in Europe, the Americas, Middle East, Asia and Australia since the early 90’s.
She is currently based in British Columbia, Canada.
Consultant to the Aromatherapy Industry since the early nineties, a founder member of the Aromatherapy Organizations Council and the International Federation of Aromatherapists UK and the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy NAHA U.S.
For more information on all aspects of aromagems, subtle and clinical aromatherapy, consultations, treatments and courses, please contact Doctor Vivian at, or visit her webpage at: or