As well as enriching our lives, promoting healing, and emotional well-being, animals can teach us much about ourselves.

There is something in relation to the animal kingdom that is fascinating and makes us feel alive, sit in awe, tugs at our heart strings or can leave us feeling fearful.

Many offices, including doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc., have fish aquariams in their waiting rooms as they promote a calming effect.

There are programs for seniors, long-term care patients, prisoners and youths that involve working with animals and/or having them visit thus promoting positive calming experiences as well as a sense of love and/or bonding.

Dogs have come a long way from being pets, hunters, herders and guard dogs. They are now being trained as seeing-eye and hearing dogs, search and rescuers, and for tracking and detection.

Animals can show us a part of ourselves that we can learn and grow from. Whether we are afraid or fond of them, drawn to or spark an interest in, or take notice of, these amazing creatues can teach us a lot.

When you look at an animal, reptile, bird, or insect what does it represent for you in that moment? What is being generated in you?

Is it fear, love, strength, freedom, a sense of independence, beauty, an aura of mystery, ick factor, transformation, inspiration, etc.

Some may not even notice these beautiful creatures as they are too busy in their thoughts that they miss these magnificent moments to learn from some of our greatest teachers.

I am really drawn to horses, whales, elephants, black panthers, lions, hawks, butterflies, seagulls, and certain snakes and lizards. Even though these are the ones that particularly stand out to me, I don’t miss opportunities to see the messages from other animals as well.

All creatures are beautiful in their own unique way and for a long time I struggled with seeing and believing that quality in myself and others. All these spectacular animals teach us different lessons and for each person the message may vary.

For example, horses symbolize freedom for me but for someone else it might be strength or fear.

Whales characterize vastness, the bigger picture. Hawks are a sign things are about to change, elephants generate feelings of playfulness, friendship, strength and determination.
What words come to mind for you when you think about these glorious teachers?

Begin to look at these intriguing creatures all around you and allow them to generate a feeling and perhaps take time to learn more about them. Take notice of the aspect in yourself and your life to which they are communicating to.

Let’s say you see a bird; nothing really spectacular unless you are a bird watcher, right? But what if you were to look at that bird and ask yourself what it means to you in that moment. You might begin to see it’s not “just” a bird. Open your mind to the possibility that every creature is an important messanger for you.

Allow whatever words or feelings to come through you as you notice the animal. For example, you see a bird and you think, “Yeah, so it’s a bird. I see all kinds of them. What’s so great about them?” The feelings or words that might have arisen could be boring, dull, who cares, etc.

Ponder how you feel about this animal and whether you feel that way about others, yourself, or in any areas of your life.

Maybe you see an eagle and the words or feelings that come to mind are freedom, soaring, beauty or strength. When you think about yourself and your life, do these words represent how you are living? Or perhaps they are characteristics you would like to invoke in yourself and life.

These magnificent creatures, big and small, can show us aspects of ourselves and our lives where we can confirm how we are doing, or ways we can improve, learn, grow and expand out of awareness.

Most importantly, recognize that these wonderous beauties are connected to the greatest source of life as are you. So how could they be anything less than amazing?

Next time you see a bird, animal, reptile or insect, pause for a moment and let it speak to you. Ask, “What message(s) do you want to tell me today”. You might be surprised what truths they reveal.

The Insight Technique™ assist you in seeing everything as a teacher. But, are you willing to learn - that is the question?

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".