Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Social media is an excellent way for a company or individual to gain followers and build a brand. Here are a few tips that will help you use social media to your advantage.


On any social media site your profile is very important. It allows others to get to know who you are. I would suggest completing all the question and sections of your profile.

You should upload a photo to your profile. The picture should be friendly and inviting. You want to avoid pictures that don’t represent you in a positive manner or represent you at all.

You also want to figure out a way to get your profile to stand out from the rest. Think about changing your background or color scheme.

Don’t just focus on marketing

To many times people on the web make the mistake of constantly pitching to other people. It’s ok to market your products sometimes but if that’s all you talk about then, that will be turn off to your audience. Provide helpful solution while using social media. Remember all marketing is is solving a problem

Engage your audience

Learn what your target market is talking about. Visit here you will learn what your prospects or saying and sharing. This will allow you to have conversation with your target market based on their current interest.

Meet and Greet

Meet and greets are a great way to bring your online friends and followers offline. Each person gets to know you and interact with you. The face-to-face interaction is priceless.

Many celebrities have used to help build their fan base. For example, in order to know where the meet artist they have to be a follower on this person social profile.

If you are using a meet and greet in a marketing aspect you can provide some type of value. Once everyone arrives and have mingled, you can provide them with a live training session. You are providing value and people will have the opportunity to put a face with the online person.

Helping Others

Commenting on other blogs can also leverage social media. Try to focus on individual who may not be as popular. Whenever you comment people will see you, especially if you have logo that stands out. Also when you share their content people begin to trust you and you are getting their brand out there. It shows that you are committed to providing your friends and follower with as much value as possible.

Always remember use social media and it will help your cause.

Author's Bio: 

D. Nicole Mims is an entrepreneur, business and creative-minded woman. My focus is "success" in all facets of my life.

I enjoy helping others change their lives for the better. I teach people how to increase their income and get time back in their lives.

In 2009 I made the decision not to work a job anymore. I had just graduate college and relocated to Atlanta, GA. After relocating I was reintroduced to Network Marketing. I felt Network Marketing was a great way to start a business but I also noticed they hadn't incorporate new social media tools. I saw this as an opportunity to help other network marketers learn how to use social media in their business.