When it comes to natural conception, four primary conditions are crucial:

1. The male's semen should be normal, with the sperm count, vitality, density, malformation rate, and liquefaction time falling within the normal range.

2. The female's ovary must be normal, capable of producing dominant follicles and undergoing unobstructed ovulation.

3. The fallopian tube should remain unobstructed, free from adhesions, blockages, and abnormal uplift, with good peristalsis.

4. The "house" and "soil" should meet the standards, implying a normal uterine cavity shape, appropriate endometrial thickness, and good tolerance.

The first two conditions are vital for the "seed," while the latter are essential for women.

The fallopian tube, often called the "magpie bridge of sperm and egg," plays a crucial role in pregnancy. It picks up eggs, transports sperm, eggs, and fertilized eggs, and provides a site for fertilization. However, the fallopian tube, being long and slender, is prone to blockages. (The fallopian tube is approximately 8-14 cm long, with an interstitial part of about 1 cm, an isthmus of 2-3 cm, a wider lumen of about 5-8 cm in the ampullary part, and an infundibulum part of about 1-1.5 cm.)

The most accurate method to assess whether the fallopian tube is blocked is through hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This procedure involves injecting a contrast medium into the uterine cavity and fallopian tube via a catheter and conducting X-ray fluoroscopy and filming. Visualizing and observing the contrast medium's distribution in the fallopian tube and pelvic cavity allows one to determine whether the fallopian tube is open and assess the uterine cavity's morphology.

Many patients ask, "Do I need to undergo an HSG test?" To address this question, we have identified four types of individuals prone to a href="https://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2017/0419/898.html">fallopian tube blockages and recommend undergoing timely HSG tests. Check if you belong to any of these categories:

1. Women who have been trying to conceive for over a year without success. As per medical definition, if a couple has regular unprotected intercourse but fails to conceive within one year, infertility is diagnosed. For women over 35 years old, this period is reduced to six months. Among infertile women, 40% of the cases involve issues with the fallopian tubes.

2. Women with a history of ectopic pregnancy. Approximately 95% of ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes. When the fallopian tube is blocked due to adhesions, the fertilized egg might implant within the tube's lumen, leading to an ectopic pregnancy. In severe cases, a blocked fallopian tube may rupture, posing a life-threatening situation. Hence, during pregnancy preparation, it is crucial to check if the ectopic pregnancy resulted from tubal disease and whether there are any tubal blockages, adhesions, or fluid accumulations.

3. Women with a history of pelvic surgery. This includes individuals with a history of abortion, appendicitis, tuberculosis, pelvic and abdominal surgeries, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Organs in the pelvis are interconnected and interdependent, and when inflammation spreads, it can cause tubal blockages and adhesions.

4. Women who have undergone tubal ligation reversal. For such individuals, it is essential to reassess the fallopian tubes' functionality and verify the success of the operation.

Moreover, patients must be reminded that HSG tests should be conducted at the right time, and the following guidelines should be observed to avoid any inconvenience:

1. The test should be performed within 3-7 days after the menstrual period ends. For individuals with irregular periods, the appropriate testing window can be extended accordingly. Women with highly irregular periods can undergo the test at any time, but the possibility of pregnancy needs to be ruled out.
2. Sexual intercourse is prohibited for five days before the test.
3. Empty the bladder before the test to avoid any influence on the uterus's position due to a full bladder.
4. A gynecological examination should be conducted before the test to check for any inflammation in the reproductive tract and prevent the spread of infection during the procedure.
5. An allergy test is mandatory before using the contrast medium.

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