If you, or a family member, have been diagnosed with cancer, you may have researched on or considered alternative treatment options for cancer. There are many tall claims out there, but before you choose any, it is well worth understanding what it involves.

Here is a quick look at the different alternative treatment methods available.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Cancer

This umbrella term includes a wide variety of medical and health care systems, practices, procedures and products that can make patients of chronic diseases like cancer feel better. It is important to understand that alternative medicines have not been scientifically proven to cure cancer, but it provides considerable relief to patients and reduces the uneasiness, pain and general discomfort associated with mainstream cancer treatments like chemotherapy. It is also possible to ward off many of the side effects of chemotherapy with these medicines and practices. It has to be noted that none of these treatments can replace the conventional cancer care, it can only relieve discomfort.

What are the popular CAM options?

• Botanical Supplements

These herbal extracts include either Ayurvedic medicines or the traditional Chinese Medicines. These supplements aid in minimizing the damages and complications that could arise out of popular cancer therapies.

• Other Dietary supplements

Studies have shown that certain vitamins and mixed supplements can assist the cancer patients who are under treatment. Vitamins such as B6, B12, E, C etc. can supply the nutrients that are lacking in the diet.


Again, this procedure is known for its ability to relieve cancer patients of the complications that are often associated with the treatment. For instance, it can be helpful in managing chemotherapy-associated vomiting.

• Massaging, Meditation and Yoga are also some of the methods that come under CAM.

The most popular among the CAM therapies are the use of herbal and other natural products, deep breathing and meditation.

Why should you consider alternative medicine for cancer?

There are many positive aspects to alternative treatment methods. They go a long way in helping a person cope with the usually uncomfortable treatment options such as chemotherapy and radiation. Some of the visible advantages are

• They help in boosting the immune system.
• They go a long way in relieving pain.
• They are really useful when it comes to managing the side effects of Chemotherapy and other medicines.

Things to remember

The different complementary and alternative cancer treatment methods are just complementary to, and not a substitute for, the normal procedures such as chemotherapy. These complementary processes can help you manage the discomfort and pain associated with the disease and the treatment.

You must opt for any of the alternative options only after a detailed consultation with your doctor or your oncologist.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that you can prevent or cure cancer just by choosing an alternative treatment method, you can only alleviate the associate discomforts.
If you opt for any of the botanical or other dietary supplements, make sure to check with your doctor that they do not react adversely with the medicines that you are already taking.

If you approach it carefully, alternative medicine can greatly aid you in your struggle against cancer.

Author's Bio: 

Through his articles, youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about cancer alternative treatments which will benefit those who are looking for useful information regarding alternative treatments for cancer.