Applications of Python in the real world
Python is a high-level general purpose programming language that offers multiple paradigms like object-orientation, and practical programming and structural for package development. It works on cross-platform operating systems and may be used across to develop a large vary of applications as well as those supposed for image process, text process, web, and enterprise level exploitation scientific, numeric and information from network. BitTorrent, YouTube, Dropbox, Deluge, Cinema 4D and Bazaar are a number of globally-used applications based on Python.
Applications of Python
1. GUI-Based Desktop Applications:
Python has simple syntax, wealthy text process tools, modular architecture and also the ability to work on multiple operating systems that build it a desirable selecting for developing desktop-based applications. There are numerous GUI toolkits like Python Training In Bangalore wxPython, PyQt or PyGtk offered that facilitate developers produce extremely functional Graphical user interface (GUI). The varied applications developed exploitation Python includes:
• Image process and Graphic style Applications:
Python has been used to build 2nd imaging software like Inkscape, GIMP, Paint search pro and Scribus. Further, 3D animation packages, like liquidizer, 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Houdini, Lightwave and Maya, additionally use Python in variable proportions.
• Scientific and computational Applications:
The higher speeds, like Scientific Python and Numeric Python, productivity and availability of tools, have resulted in Python becoming an integral a part of applications concerned in computation and process of scientific data. 3D modeling software, like FreeCAD, and finite component technique package, like Abaqus, are coded in Python.
• Games:
Python has varied modules, libraries and platforms that support development of games. as an example, PySoy could be a 3D game engine supporting Python 3, and PyGame provides practicality and a library for game development. There are various games built exploitation Python as well as Civilization-IV, Disney’s Toontown on-line, Vega Strike etc.
2. Web Frameworks and web Applications:
Python has been used to produce a variety of web-frameworks including CherryPy, Django, TurboGears, Bottle, Flask etc. These frameworks offer normal libraries and modules that modify tasks related to content management, interaction with info and interfacing with totally different internet protocols like HTTP, SMTP, XML-RPC, FTP and POP. Plone, a content management system; AN open supply ERP that is employed in part, ERP5, attire and banking; Odoo – a consolidated suite of business applications; and Google App engine area number of of the favored internet applications supported Python.
3. Enterprise and Business Applications:
With options that include special libraries, extensibility, scalability and simply readable syntax, Python could be a suitable coding language for customizing larger applications. Reddit, that was originally written in Common Lips, was rewritten in Python in 2005. Python additionally contributed in an exceedingly massive half to practicality in YouTube.
4. Operating Systems:
Python is commonly an integral a part of Linux distributions. For example, Ubuntu’s ubiquitousness Installer, and Fedora’s and Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s anaconda Python Courses in Bangalore Installer are written in Python. Gentoo UNIX makes use of Python for Portage, its package management system.
5. Language Development:
Python’s style and module architecture has influenced development of numerous languages. Boo language uses an object model, syntax and indentation, almost like Python. Further, syntax of languages like Apple’s Swift, Cobra, CoffeeScript, and OCaml all share similarity with Python.
6. Prototyping:
Besides being fast and easy to find out, Python also has the open supply advantage of being free with the support of an oversized community. This makes it the popular choice for example development. Further, the legerity, extensibility and scalability and easy refactoring code related to Python permit faster development from initial prototype.
Since its origin in 1989, Python has grown up to become a part of an overplus of web-based, desktop-based, graphic style, scientific, and process applications. With Python offered for Windows, raincoat OS X and Linux / UNIX, it offers easy development for enterprises. in addition, the most recent unleash Python 3.4.3 builds on the prevailing strengths of the language, with drastic improvement in Unicode support, among different new options.

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