Most people who struggle with uncontrollable outbursts of anger do so because they never learned anger management techniques. Learning these skills could be the best thing you ever do for successful relationships both at work and at home.

Even in the midst of an extreme emotion such as anger, we can choose to either escalate the situation or de-escalate it. Basic anger management techniques will teach you how to not lose your cool even when you're very upset.

One of these skills is to learn to recognize our feelings of hurt and betrayal. When others hurt us, it seems easier to hit back than to acknowledge our pain and figure out a more appropriate response. Choose to stop before blowing up.

Take a break. If possible walk away from the situation long enough for you to calm down and regain control of your thoughts. Anything you can do to put distance between yourself and the aggravating situation will help, including going for a walk around the block or counting to twenty.

Being assertive, not aggressive, in your communication is another important component of anger management skills. If you can communicate your feelings and needs assertively, not aggressively, you stand a much better chance at getting the results you desire.

Anger is rarely about the immediate situation that's irritating us; it's usually a symptom of a much deeper problem. A person with good control over his or her emotions will be less likely to fly off the handle because they will be seeking out the underlying cause of their anger and figuring out what they can do to fix it. In most cases the underlying cause has more to do with someone's past than the present situation.

Developing a repertoire of good anger management techniques will serve you a lifetime of healthier, happier relationships.

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For more free information on anger management techniques

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who has developed online anger programs and teaches anger management classes in Maryland.