A new year means new year resolutions and learning a few anger management techniques to improve your relationships is a great way to start. When you are feeling most hurt and vulnerable, it's easy to lash out at others and do things you may regret later on. Anger is a natural, healthy human emotion. What counts is how we deal with the anger. Uncontrolled anger can undermine relationships and cause both physical and psychological problems.

Try some of the following anger management techniques.

Try not to react right away. Instead, take a deep breath and excuse yourself for a moment to give yourself time to calm down.

Another skill is to vent to a trusted friend before you respond to the person making you angry.

Getting physical exercise is also a good way to reduce stress and blow off steam before you try to respond to an upsetting situation.

Lastly, remember that often your anger at a situation with a loved one can indicate deeper problems in the relationship. See if you can delve into the issue and address the deeper problems that may be lurking beneath the surface to really resolve the problem. This is not easy but it is the most effective relationship skill you can employ.

Practice is the key to perfecting these and other anger control techniques.

To reiterate an important point, these skills do not mean that you will not get angry. Anger control is about dealing with and processing anger in a healthy, productive way instead of an unhealthy, destructive way. With a little motivation and effort you can turn your relationships around and make this the best year of your life! Controlling your anger in the new year is admirable goal and it can be done with patience and the practice of these and other anger management techniques.

Author's Bio: 

Go here to learn more about anger management techniques.

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of an online court ordered anger management class.