Everyone can benefit from learning a few basic anger management techniques to help control anger and prevent it from hurting our relationships. Most people think they already know basic skills such as counting to ten or walking away but how many of these people can actually put them into practice?

This article will teach you some less well-known anger management techniques that you can practice regularly not just when you become angry.

The best way to manage your anger is not to try to remember it only when you're already in crisis, but to incorporate it into your everyday life. In short, you can change the way you respond to anger by changing the way you view the world.

For example, taking the time to develop a deeper understanding of yourself -who you are and what your needs and feelings are-is one of the best anger control techniques you can learn. How does this help? People who understand their own wants and needs have a higher chance of communicating those wants and needs to others. And how does communicating help? Because the things that make us really angry are rarely just about the situation at hand; they usually indicate some deeper problem that isn't being addressed. Knowing how to find the underlying issue and address the problem with the person you're angry at is the first step towards resolving the anger.

Second, practice empathy. Practice seeing the world from other people's points of view and before you know it, the next time something happens to make you angry you may be able to diffuse the anger by using your new empathy skills.

Lastly, regular exercise is a must. You'll feel healthier, reduce stress and be slower to anger.

The most effective anger management technique isn't anything you can do in the heat of the moment; it's a regular daily practice changing how we see the world.

Author's Bio: 

Go here to learn more about anger management techniques.

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of many online anger management classes.