Anger is a normal human response to life’s daily annoyances. However, some people get out of control. They find themselves getting so angry at the slightest issues that it impedes them from functioning properly at work and at home. Moreover, they can destroy long-term relationships because of one angry moment. It is how one handles the anger that determines if it has become problematic. If a person finds himself raising his blood pressure, ranting and raving, driving aggressively on the road, or possibly getting into physical altercations then seeking professional help is a must.
Learning how to control your anger before it controls your life is essential. Most people who suffer anger management issues are those who do not know how to vent the anger they feel properly. Some individuals might innately know how to direct these feelings while others might need some guidance. The healthiest way to express anger is in a non-aggressive and assertive way. Whenever you feel angry, breathe deeply and then rationalize how needs can be met without anyone getting hurt – physically or emotionally. Anger control classes encourage the use of sublimation as a defense mechanism on anger. Whenever you feel extremely angry at someone, suppress your immediate anger with the idea in mind that you don’t want to do something you will regret in the future. Use all the energy from your anger to do something productive instead. Focus on tasks that need to be done at home or at work. Learn how to redirect your anger much like you would try to redirect a child when they are having a temper tantrum.
However, a big misconception about anger is the fact that it is best to simply hold it in forever so no one gets upset and the moment passes. Truth is, unexpressed anger will take its toll on you psychologically and physically. Worst cases are when people are unable to express their anger head on and result to passive aggressive means of getting back at people indirectly through their friends, family and the like. Obviously, issues grow and there are less chances of resolving them. This behavior is often seen in couples that get divorced after 20 years of marriage.
With this in mind, anger management classes are extremely beneficial in helping people learn how to best handle and control stressful situations. With current technology almost all commodities and services are available via the internet. Fortunately, anger management classes are available online as well. Just like traditional classroom based anger management classes, licensed professionals are available to speak with, as well as course material that can be printed out and used for future reference. It’s ideal because students can learn at their own pace, in the privacy of their own home and will receive a certificate of completion upon passing the course. Group online meetings are also available with a preset schedule so you may learn from other people’s experiences. The best thing about this is no one needs to know that you are taking these classes. Privacy and confidentiality are prioritized.
Ari Novick, Ph.D. is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a certified anger management provider for both adults and adolescents. Dr. Novick is also an adjunct professor of psychology at Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology.
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Dr. Novick's online class will provide proven Anger Management techniques.
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