Think it might be time to look into anger management classes? Everyone experiences anger at times, but for some of us, it becomes the primary response to being upset.

Usually anger is a secondary response to a deeper underlying issue. Anger control courses can help you understand the source of the problem that is triggering the feelings of anger. They are not just for people who are "mentally ill". These classes teach basic communication skills that many of us never had the chance to learn in school or in life.

Many anger classes, for example, teach assertiveness, a skill that is essential in learning how we can get our needs addressed before we become out of control. Being assertive about what we need or feel and learning how to communicate those needs and feelings in reasonable ways can go a long way towards controlling angry, irrational outbursts and preserving relationships with those we care about.

Anger management lessons also often will teach you how to reduce stress in your daily life as well. When are stress levels are high, it's easy to lash out and say things we don't ultimately mean or want to say when we are in a calmer state of mind. Reducing stress also helps increase life expectancy and overall general health.

A third common technique taught is empathy. Empathy can help us gain perspective on a situation by better understanding the feelings and emotions of other people. Exercises in empathy can help us avoid getting frustrated with others and can help us communicate more effectively.

The techniques taught in anger control classes are useful to learn how to work better with others and have more rewarding, lasting personal relationships. Don't let anger control you or harm your relationships. Bad habits can be unlearned. Its not as hard as you might imagine and the first step is always the most challenging. Learning new coping techniques and people skills at anger management classes can change your life.

Author's Bio: 

Go here for more information about anger management classes.

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of an online court ordered anger management class.