How do you know if you need an anger management class or are occasionally angry?

No one wants to acknowledge that they need an anger management class.There are neurological reasons for it, but you kind of go into a type of denial when it comes to acknowledging that you might need help. Many people who need an anger class are in a sort of denial, oftentimes because humans are built for things that we do to look less severe on the inside than they do on the outside.All sorts of things happen to your ability to function when you are angry - you can't think outside the box, you may become obsessed with whatever it is that is making you mad, your routine is easily broken, etc... But what is it that separates a transitory problem from a chronic one that needs attention such as an anger management class?

One sign that you might need help is when things feel out of control and even you are surprised by the things that anger you. Another very good, strong indication is time. If over a longer and longer period, you're consistently getting angry with a variety of people, in a variety of different situations, then amid all that variety, logic serves, that you are the only constant, and that this issue with flare ups and episodes may be out of your inherent and innate control.

One of the things you will learn in an anger class is what you are really getting angry about is rarely what you really think it is. You will learn ways to better control and direct your feelings. Sadly, an anger class has as much stigma as a heroin addict recovery meeting. When given the choice between a visit to the dentist or an anger management class, most people would choose the former. Avoid the dentist when you need to go and you might lose a tooth. Avoid an anger class when you need one and you might lose a relationship or a job or both.

A good anger management class will help you to understand your anger triggers, why they are there, how to better manage them and how to communicate more effectively.

Author's Bio: 

Go here to learn more about anger management classes.

Dr. Joe James is a psychologist who is the developer of many online courses including a court ordered anger management class.