True Conscience-based Leadership encompasses vision, trust, respect, integrity, understanding, responsibility, compassion and generosity. It totally rejects coercion, dishonesty and a ruthless approach to living. Which model do you embrace?

Hello and welcome. My name is Kieran Revell: I’m a Conscience-based (Ethical) Leadership Consultant and Speaker; Coach and Author. Thanks for joining me on this great journey.
Over coming weeks and months it’s my pleasure to spend time with you through the presentation of a series of powerful posts and videos.
Each is designed to enrich your life. I encourage you to come along for the journey; read the posts; watch the videos and begin building your amazing future. It starts by putting the information into play as soon as possible.
As we progress we touch on powerful and thoughtful topics relevant to the particular time of the year.
The future continues to unfold regardless of what we do. There's no known way to halt that progress. If we do nothing positive and just coast along, nothing effective will happen.
Remain focused and upbeat as you re-align your values and design the life and the future you want – by taking real and affirmative action. You must do something positive and at the same time, discover your purpose. It means you’re adding tremendous depth and value to the future.
Each of us is a potential leader and as such, it becomes our duty and responsibility to enrich the lives of others. As we grow, those around us also benefit. They too learn to embrace the values which enrich their lives and add depth to the present and the future.
Whether its people within our organization; our family members, friends, neighbors and even complete strangers; they should each be given the opportunity to learn from our positive attitudes. Their futures are equally important and it becomes our duty to assist them on that extraordinary journey.
Take the time to build the confidence of another and help that person evolve. It’s fantastic to watch someone grow and thrive thanks to your life- enriching actions.
It’s a truly amazing feeling when you assist even one person to realise a dream. You've taken one step closer to becoming a great Leader. You’re evolving into an extraordinary force for good in the global community.
I look forward to your company.

Imagine the possibilities ........

I’ll see you again soon

Warm regards,


Author's Bio: 

Kieran Revell is a Conscience-based (Ethical) Leadership Consultant, Speaker and Author. He has published two excellent new books, ‘The Unstoppable Power Within’ and 'Release Your Unstoppable Power'. They are available through Amazon, all major international bookstores and the publisher, Sound Wisdom of Pennsylvania.
From the age of seven, Kieran suffered under the almost unbearable weight of a speech stammer. For ten long and despondent years he was bullied and vilified. He spiraled into a deep dark hole of misery and sadness. At the age of seventeen, he introduced some vocal exercises to his daily routine which saw him emerge from the fog, into the sunshine of effective communication.
Kieran survived a near-drowning episode at age seventeen, where he believes he received messages of hope from his deceased grandparents. It marked the beginning of his amazing journey of empowerment.
Kieran also spent time living on the streets. It was a life-changing decision he made to better understand the plight of the homeless. He met some wonderful characters and heard many heart-breaking stories of tragedy, poor health and business failures. The short period of disconnection taught him a great deal about humanity.
Kieran believes we are all a genius in one of more aspects of our lives. Irrespective of our means or circumstances we each have an unfathomable depth of warmth and power from which we can draw the courage and confidence to face and overcome challenges in our lives.
We each have the capacity to become great Leaders in the lives of others. In this amazing place we can become an extraordinary force for good in the global community.
Imagine the possibilities ….