Many individuals, sooner or later, end up in such a phase of their lives where they need an instructor or a counsellor who can guide them in a better way.There is a major contrast between an expert instructor and a simple man who has some basic abilitiesof counselling such as your friend or partner. Therapists and counsellors do certain procedures in whichclient’s root cause of the problem is figured out and then methods of therapies are applied to normalize the life routine of that person. When it comes to religion, it is not separate from these therapies. No matter how much secular the western society gets, at some point or another they do realize the importance of religion specially in healing someone mentally and spiritually.

Islam provides complete guidance to a person in all aspects of his life. You can heal yourself spiritually and mentally by following the golden principles of Islam. The key point towards any therapy is that the person first accepts that he is suffering from any issue. Unless an individual doesn’t realize his mistakes and his issues, he will never be able to get any help from anyone. After accepting and realizing the problem the person then reaches the stage of repentance in which he ask for forgiveness from his Lord. That forgiveness can be asked in any form i.e. either by praying five time a day or by standing in front of the Holy Kaaba and by crying your heart out while asking for mercy. For the convenience of Muslims, many amazing travel companies have been providing the splendid and Cheap Hajj Packages 2017 In Low Cost Deals With Best 5 Star Hotels And Luxury Flights to the Muslims so that majority of people can avail the opportunity of performing hajj and can have spiritual and mental healing religiously by performing the most sacred obligation of Islam.

In other psychological terms, there is a concept of transference in which a strong bond is created among the client and therapist. If we take it to the religious context, than concept of transference can be seen between Allah Almighty and his true believer. That strong and true bond between a man and his Lord is the turning point in the life of any individual.By creating a deep relation with your Lord, a person is able to do ventilation of his soul, mind and body. This kind of ventilation is extremely important for a person and it can be done by sharing all your worries and problems with someone and who can be a better option than Almighty to share your problems with? No one else but only Allah knows the root cause of your problems and only He alone has the ability to resolve that issue. No matter how much secular you try to become, at some point in life you get helpless and need the help of your Creator.May Allah provides a chance to all the Muslims of visiting His house so that maximum number of Muslims can have the opportunity to heal themselves by religious therapy.

Author's Bio: 

Afshan Naeem is an authorized web content writer who has a passion of writing articles, blogs, descriptions, and web content based on different domains of history, politics, religion, current affairs, social issues and travelling guidelines. She also provides the best recommendations of cheap Umrah and Hajj Packages. Her keen observation on various phenomenon makes her unique among other writers.