
A woman's sex drive fluctuates and is related to her menstrual cycle, but various factors - problems with a relationship, illness, tiredness, stress, depression, bad sexual experiences, and some antide¬pressant drugs and tranquilizers - can affect sexual responsiveness. Pelvic pain caused by underlying disease can also cause loss of sexual desire, and sometimes the problem can be as simple as inadequate stimulation during intercourse.


Try to discover the root cause. Consider masturbation, when you are alone, relaxed, and comfortable. If you can arouse yourself, you should feel more relaxed about letting your partner know how you like to be stimulated.


Many essential oils act as aphrodisiacs, including jasmine, sandalwood, patchouli, and ylang ylang (but avoid using them on the genital area) as per A mixture of five drops jasmine, five drops rose, ten drops sandalwood, and five drops bergamot in two cups/500ml of base oil - used in the bath or as a sensual massage oil for you and your partner - should help you to get to know each other's sexual responses and reawaken sexual desire.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:


If the problem is psychological, this body-mind therapy can release physical tensions and enable you to deal with emotional problems more easily.


If the problem persists, seek help from a psychosexual counselor or therapist.


Vaginismus (involuntary contractions of the vagina) often makes intercourse impossible because the muscles around the entrance of the vagina go into spasm as soon as penetration is attempted. The spasm is a reflex action, and the vaginal muscles are so powerful that it becomes impossible to penetrate them. The muscles may remain contracted for some time, an effect that is increasingly painful and causes considerable anxiety. In fact, anxiety - in particular a subconscious fear of intercourse - is often the main cause of vaginismus. It can happen after a bad or painful sexual experience, or even after painful childbirth.


Learn a relaxation technique. On your own, when you are feeling relaxed and comfortable, try inserting your little finger into your vagina. When you can do that comfortably, try two fingers. Carryon until you feel relaxed enough to let your partner try.


Sensual mutual massage with your partner (see Loss of Sexual Desire, above) will help you to relax. Use oils such as jasmine, ylang ylang, rose, or sandalwood in a carrier oil. Avoid rubbing genital area.
Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:


Psychosexual counseling and therapy, combined with learning
a relaxation technique, can help over a period of time.


Treatment will be tailored to individual cases, but may include Causticum, Natrum. Mur., Argentum Nit., or Sepia.

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