Recently the Centers for Disease reported a 17% increase in Asthma. If you have allergies what can you do to prevent asthma or sinusitis? What can you do for treatment?

According to the Unified Field theory, the lungs and sinuses develop from the same embryo layers, with similar cilia; except that in the nose the cilia beat backward and down and in the chest they beat up and out.

Therefore it is not surprising that diseases that affect the sinuses also affect the lung. Many studies have shown that clearing a chronic sinus infection can significantly improve asthma.

What are cilia?
What are cilia and what do they do? In your nose, sinuses, and chest there are millions of tiny little hairs that move bacteria out of you body to keep you healthy. If they quit moving, bacteria remain in place, multiply and make you sick. For the coal miner, the small coal particles are moved out of the chest. But if he smokes, the particles slow down.
Sinusitis occurs because bacteria are no longer moved out of the sinuses.
Bronchitis occurs because bacteria are not being moved out of the chest.
Postnasal drip occurs when cilia move slowly.

Imagine a stage where ten male dancers are in a line and on the right side the dancer picks up a girl and holds her over his head, Then, in rhythm, the dancers wave slowly to the right, then fast to the left. The waving hands propel the girl from the right all the way to the last dancer on the left. It is essential that the dancers keep in step with the music. What happens if dancer number five is out of step and waves backwards instead of sideways? The girl stops moving. What happens if the dancers all slow down? Then it takes too long to move the object. The dancers move to the beat of the music. So do the cilia.

From Sinus to Lungs:
Today we appreciate how much sinus and allergy affects asthma and related cough. Sinus drainage affects asthma. Bacteria from the sinus will show up in the trachea in about sixteen hours. Fifty percent of asthmatics are found to have sinus disease.

Coughing Without an Illness:
Why do we cough when we are not particularly sick?
The coal minor digs coal and inhales coal dust. But he doesn’t cough. This is because his chest and nasal cilia are moving the particles out of the lungs. Then he inhales a large piece of coal dust, too big for the chest cilia to move out of the lungs. Now he coughs.

Mr. Jones never coughed before. There was an accident at the plant and he inhaled a large amount of Chlorine Gas. Now he coughs. Tests show that his chest cilia no longer move at 14 pulses/second in order to remove material from the lungs. If the chest cilia are not moving particles out of the lungs, then coughing takes over to do the job. This is why tea lemon and honey helps any cough, because they stimulate the cilia.

The 9/11 aftermath:
After 9/11 many of the toxic fumes damaged the cilia of the nose and the chest. Without the cilia to move bacteria out of the nose/chest, bacteria remain in place instead of being moved out. These rescuers got sinus and lung disease. They cough because the chest cilia no longer move the material out of the chest.

Sinusitis occurs when the nasal cilia move too slowly, thereby allowing bacteria to multiply in the sinuses. A primary treatment for most sinus conditions is to restore normal nasal cilia movement. Normally the movement of the nasal/sinus cilia drain the sinus cavities. This may avoid the need for antibiotics. However, even when antibiotics are used, without the cilia movement returning, the infection may persist or reoccur.

How Cilia Work
Mucociliary clearance refers to the system whereby there is a layer of mucus that traps bacteria. Below that layer there are tiny cilia, like oars, and they move the mucus blanket with the trapped bacteria out of the nose where it falls into the stomach and the stomach acid takes out the bacteria.
In the chest the cilia move the mucus blanket out of the lungs, the trachea and into the stomach. When cilia fail in the lungs, cough takes over. When cilia fail in the nose, you may sneeze.

In Postnasal Drip, the cilia move too slowly and the mucus thickens. The bacteria have time to multiply so you get breath problems. This thick mucus can drip onto the larynx – the voice box- and cause coughing. Generally speaking, the slower the nasal cilia move, the thicker the postnasal drainage.

When severe asthmatics are hospitalized, the chest cilia are found to move exceedingly slowly. In most of these patients, the nasal cilia are found to move too slowly as well. In my practice, I am referred patients who, despite every examination and treatment continue to cough. Here, I measure the nasal cilia and if they are impaired, I work to restore them. Usually that stops the cough. Restoring nasal cilia function in such patients may affect the chest cilia too.

The reason pulsatile nasal/sinus is effective in restoring good cilia are that the frequency of the pulsation is “harmonic” for cilia rhythm. This is not like a hose placed directly into the sinus opening. Pulsatile nasal irrigation action restores the cilia function and that is what drains the sinus cavity of disease. The pulse action is much more effective in removing unwanted biofilm and thick mucus. The pulse action massage brings healthful fresh elements to the tissues.

Asthma Today:
There are new products coming into the market daily that are aromatics or solvents. Some are industrial solvents or cleaners. The FDA requires that they be tested for toxicity, but none are tested for cilia toxicity. If you suspect that the industrial products you are inhaling are harming you, ask to have your nasal cilia measured. Better ventilation can be a lifesaver.

Nasal Cilia in Allergy:
In allergy, in the acute stage, the nose runs because the cilia are trying to wash out the allergens. Weeks later, the cilia are exhausted, no longer able to move bacteria out, and sinus disease develops. You can prevent this by using pulsatile irrigation such as the Hydro Pulse Nasal/Sinus irrigator to wash out the bacteria and restore the nasal cilia.

The cilia of the nose and chest are closely related:

o Hot tea with lemon and honey helps the nasal cilia as well as the chest.
o Allergy pills that help the nose also help the allergic chest.
o Prednisone affects both areas similarly.
o In infection, cultures from the sinus and lungs show similar results.
o The speed of the nasal cilia is often identical to the speed of the chest cilia.
o The severity of the asthma attack is inversely proportional to the cilia speed—the slower the cilia, the worse the attack.
o Harmonic vibration can affect both nose and chest favorably. Sing “oooommmm’ at a low tone. Your chest and nasal cilia will speed up. The vibration of a deep low “oooommmm” helps nasal and chest cilia. The more you do the better.

Get Well:
Healthy habits help including diet and exercise. Jump rope thins the mucus and speeds nasal and chest cilia. Yogurt and probiotics aid your immune system. A relaxed attitude, a confidential outlook helps your general immunity. Smile and your immune system goes up.
Pulsatile nasal irrigation to remove bacteria, pollen and thick mucus is best for also restoring cilia function. The correct rate of pulsation, for example, the Hydro Pulse Nasal/Sinus irrigator is also important.

Let’s prevent asthma or sinusitis developing from seasonal allergy.
a. Consider allergy desensitization
b.Don’t let a sinus infection persist
c. Don’t let postnasal drip persist
d. Keep those chest and nasal cilia moving
e. Smiling boosts your healing. Please smile!

Author's Bio: 

Full time ear nose throat specialist at Cedars Sinai Los Angeles. Author: Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems Permanently
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