If you are a naiveté in web hosting then, this write up is exactly what you need. For you to understand how web hosting works, you need to also understand the basics and terminologies involved therein. You need to understand that the web is just a network of computers all over the world and that each computer in the web communicates with each other via a single protocol called HTTP. You also have to understand that web information are stored in documents known as web pages and subsequently web pages are stored on computers referred to as web servers. Simply put, the difference between a computer and a web server is just that a web server is a computer in a network. It sounds quite simple but it can be gravely misleading if you don’t know about it at all, so bury this at the bottom of your heart because you will be coming in contact with it more often.

Computers that access the web pages are called web clients and the program that enable a web client to perform its duty are regarded as web browsers. In essence, a web client can only read web pages through browsers and some common example of such browsers are Mozilla, google chrome, internet explorer etc.
Web host are companies that offer space on a server leased or owned by a client. Web hosting companies are like a bridge or connection between an individual or company and the World Wide Web. Consider web hosting services as a means by which firms, individuals and organization’s websites or blogs are made accessible via World Wide Web. You got to have this at the back of your mind that websites are a collection of web pages and a web page is regarded as a blog so that you won‘t get confused when you eventually come across them.


Getting a good and credible web hosting company to host your website is very important in internet marketing and other internet related services. To ensure that you have the right web host in your kitty, you are required to carry out a thorough search but most importantly you have to know the salient points you should be looking out for in the course of your search. These all important points are what we are going to teach you to the best our ability and we are hoping that you will grasp every detail.

1. Feel free to check out quite a few different web hosts before you make a selection. This is very important because you will be quite amazed at what you are going to discover for bringing out a little time to research. Once you have made your choice about which web host you want to use, endeavor to ensure that the hosting packages or plan suit what you can afford and that the company address or location is clearly written out. Note that any company that fails to clearly indicate their location is not worth doing business with because there is a greater chance that such firms are fraudulent.
2. You should ensure that your chosen web host company should have a customer support unit that works. You should be able to grasp the various ways web hosting companies offer support to their clients and be able to define what kind of customer support you need. The different ways by which web hosting companies extend support to their teeming customers include instant messaging, calls and by submitting tickets or emails. You have to ensure that your chosen web host company is capable of handling the aforementioned options of assisting their clients and you have the obligation of choosing the one that is quite cheaper for you to accommodate.

Any good and reliable web host company should have a customer service that you can contact and they should be able to answer all your questions to your satisfaction. You should ensure that your web host grossly supports your business by having hosting packages that are cheap and affordable. It is also advisable to ensure that you register your domain name with your web hosting company for you to have access to any available discounts that may be accruable to you.

Author's Bio: 

Mr morgan is a renown internet business person in Nigeria and the owner of opensourcehostweb. opensourcehostweb is a cheap and efficient web design and hosting company. In opensourcehostweb, our team of professional internet marketers can boost your business and generate more sales for you through our superb internet marketing strategy.