Embryo transfer is a simple procedure that follows in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is often considered the simplest and final step of the in vitro fertilization process. The objective of embryo transfer is to facilitate conception following fertilization from the in vitro fertilization procedure.
Embryo transfer takes place after eggs have been collected and fertilised in the laboratory. Depending on your situation between one and three of the best quality embryos are selected and then transferred to the woman’s womb. An embryo must successfully attach itself to the wall of the womb for pregnancy to begin.
What is the procedure for embryo transfer?
The patient returns to the clinic to have the embryos transferred. Anesthesia is often not necessary, although a sedative may be used. An ultrasound maybe used to help guide the physician as he transfers the embryos. A predetermined number of embryos are loaded into a fine transfer catheter that passes through the vagina and cervix, into the uterus. The embryos are deposited from the catheter into the uterus. Following this procedure, the patient usually remains in a recovery room resting on her back and is discharged 4-6 hours after the procedure. The couple will then wait and optimistically watch for early pregnancy symptoms.
What risks are there with embryo transfer?
Embryo Transfer is a painless process. There are no significant risks relating to the embryo transfer process itself. There are minimal risks associated with the embryo transfer procedure. They include the loss of the embryos during transfer or implanting the embryos in the wrong place such as the fallopian tubes. Although some women experience mild cramping, the procedure is usually painless.
Are there any instructions following the embryo transfer procedure?
Once embryos are transferred, there is nothing a patient can do to influence the outcome of her cycle. Currently, there is no documented evidence as to whether bed rest or continuing normal activities following the procedure make a difference in the outcome. Some physicians encourage the patients to rest for twenty four hours. Others suggest returning to normal activities as soon as possible. Some patients choose to rest because they think that by doing so they are improving their chances. Additional rest also gives them an opportunity to think about the potential baby. Other women elector returns to normal activities to help them avoid worrying about things that could go wrong. Together with counsel from the doctor, the state of your body and mind should help you decide your course of action.
Again, there is no documented evidence showing that physical activity has any impact upon embryo implantation or conception. Conception is a natural event that depends primarily upon the genetic quality of the eggs.
What are my chances of getting pregnant after embryo transfer?
Female fertility diminishes with age, so if you are using your own eggs, on average, the younger you are, the higher your chances of success
Best IVF Success Rate after embryo transfer:
We are keen on telling the embryo transfer success rates that apply to you personally. There is no such thing as an ‘average’ patient, we would like to meet you, hear about your situation and give more exact information as to what we think your chances are.
The number of embryos that should be transferred during any single IVF cycle is subject to debate. Medical experts and writers seem to agree that transferring no more than four embryos per IVF cycle will yield optimal results. Transferring more than four is believed to result in excess numbers of multiple pregnancies leading to the increase of other complications. Transferring four embryos instead of only one or two, increases the probability of pregnancy but with the risk that all four embryos could implant. After implantation, the next step is watching for the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
The embryo transfer is the final medical step in an IVF treatment cycle. In one sense, this is the climax of the IVF medical treatment, because the embryos represent the end-product of the IVF laboratory. A good IVF clinic, working in sync with a good IVF lab will generate good quality embryos - but once these are transferred into the uterus, then the doctor's role comes to a screeching halt - and nature takes over!
No “bed rest” after embryo transfer
Putting the myth of bed rest after IVF to rest, Once the embryos have been transferred into the uterus, they are safe and cannot "fall out"
Enough medical studies have been done by many IVF clinics, which prove that embryo implantation and rest does not affect pregnancy rates. Embryos are safe and secure in the womb, and just because they have spent 48 hours in the incubator in the IVF lab does not change anything.
There are many myths about infertility that exists in the minds of people. With the advancement of medical science, these myths have been replaced by facts. Being infertile is bad enough – don’t make it worse by forcing yourself to rest in bed when you don’t need to!
Contact our fertility specialist for further educating yourself, Learning all about embryo transfer, embryo transfer bed rest, embryo transfer success rate, after embryo transfer, embryo implantation, frozen embryo transfer, embryo transfer in cattle, embryo transfer ivf, embryo transfer in animals, Freezing and storing embryos, Blastocyst transfer.
With today's advanced reproductive technology, we can always find a solution to all the fertility problems. Come and meet the expert in the infertility field at Rotunda - The Center For Human Reproduction. Rotunda offers the entire range of fertility services, all under one roof. At Rotunda, we work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of IVF treatment-- as predictable and comfortable as possible. For couples facing more difficult challenges, our ART program ranks amongst the best in the nation. You can contact us at http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com or http://www.rotunda.co.in or at rotunda.fertility@gmail.com or at +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26390044
Rotunda works towards the dream of making Assisted Reproduction a reality for the common man.We know that facing infertility can be one of the most stressful situations you may encounter, emotionally, physically and of course, financially. At the Rotunda Blue Fertility Clinic, we work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of the IVF treatment - as predictable and comfortable as possible.When you walk in, you will observe there is time and space for people and family because we belive that a family environment is the best starting point to help you have a family of your own.
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