As a responsible member or your community you want to minimize the quantity of pollution you are responsible for. However, you and your family members do require additional space. By opting for green basement finishing in Aurora, you will be able to increase floor space in your home with only a minimal increase in your carbon foot print. Apart from the benefits to the environment, a green basement will provide you with cost savings as well.

Energy Savings

When you opt for green basement finishing in Illinois, an expert basement finishing contractor will first check for any leaks and plug them. By reducing the presence of moisture in your basement, and thereby in other parts of your home, your heating and cooling costs will be reduced substantially. Since the basement finishing contractor will also plug all air leaks, the improved insulation will further reduce your energy bills. Apart from this, green basement finishing uses products with superior thermal and noise insulation. The combined effect of the increased insulation will substantially reduce energy bills. Moreover, special green basement products are installed without using wood or metal studs. Since metal studs are thermal conductors, their absence improves insulation. Additionally, the absence of studs reduces the chances of rusting or rotting, increasing the life of your finished basement. Moreover, because there are no studs present, you can hang even flat-screen TVs at any spot on your walls.

Basement Windows

A green basement finishing contractor in Naperville, IL, will offer energy efficient windows for your basement. These windowpanes with a high R-insulation of 2.94 and all-vinyl frames will help reduce energy consumption. The window panes are clear and designed to let in maximum sunlight to improve the ambiance of the basement. The vinyl frames will neither rust nor rot, and last long.

Basement Floors

When finishing the basement of your Joliet home you will have to install special floor tiles meant for use in basements. These tiles need to insulate the basement from moisture. A contractor with access to basement tiles made of recycled and recyclable plastic compounds will provide you with green floors that are easy to maintain, pleasant to look at, and improve insulation. By using floor tiles that do not have ozone depleting substances or emit formaldehyde you will be able to ensure the health of your family. The contractor should offer you a choice of tiles that do not contain lead, mercury, or cadmium to ensure the long-term health of you and your family. All these are possible by opting for a green basement.

Energy Star Dehumidifier

No basement in Aurora can be refinished or finished unless a dehumidifier is installed. This will ensure that your basement never feels damp or smells musty. By installing an Energy Star rated dehumidifier, you can be sure of dry basement without mold or rot at a low cost. These dehumidifiers can remove four times the moisture that a normal dehumidifier removes from the air at the same and at a lower cost.

By taking all these steps to ensure a green basement, you will be able to save money on energy and protect the health of your family simultaneously.

Author's Bio: 

Chicagoland Total Basement Finishing is a qualified basement finishing in Aurora and other surrounding areas. Visit them online for a free basement finishing estimate.