Smoking is one of the main causes of serious respiratory and circulatory disorders that continue to affect people today. It can be quite difficult to quit an addiction, especially cigarette smoking may be the difficult addictions to let go of. However, with the right kind of attitude and support anyone can give up smoking. With the kind of deadly effects smoking has, it is quite obvious that you need to break away from this habit. Here are few quit smoking tips that can make your battle against smoking easier:

  • Set a target for yourself - It is always better to start with setting achievable goals for yourself, which will encourage you to continue it further. The initial target can be smoking one less cigarette everyday to help you gradually become used to it. You can also seek the support of your loved ones and share these goals so that they can motivate you to stay on track.
  • Do not carry cigarette pack everywhere - Most of the time try to intentionally forget your cigarettes at home. This is because when there is an uncontrollable craving, you would not give up to the bad habit. Over a period of time, your body will become used to not receiving nicotine every time.
  • Start with a new hobby - Instead of spending your valuable time in smoking, you can engross yourself in other constructive hobbies such as exercising, gardening dancing or cooking. These hobbies can significantly help to take your mind off cigarettes. You need to distract yourself instead of thinking continuously that you are not smoking anymore.
  • List down the reasons for quitting smoking - Although smoking might give you temporary pleasure, it can cause life term side effects. You need to come to terms with this basic fact, and for this you need to write down the reasons why you want to quit. You should also think about your family and monetary conditions as smoking does cost you a lot. If you are able to convince and motivate your mind first, you will win the half victory over there.
  • Keep mouth busy - The sudden yearning of smoking can be controlled by nibbling some snacks or gum which can keep your mouth busy.

Men who are still unable to control the nicotine addiction are usually prescribed Champix tablets to stop smoking. It is an oral prescription medication which functions by stimulating the nicotine receptors in your brain so that it does not bind to nicotine anymore. This helps in preventing the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms, which mostly happens while giving up smoking. In addition, Champix also stops you from experiencing any euphoric feeling while smoking. The active ingredient of Champix, Varenicline, helps to give up smoking in just 12 weeks. However, if you are unable to cope up with the addiction then you should consult doctor immediately and continue with the treatment for another 12 weeks. To get more information on quit smoking visit

Champix is a better option when compared to nicotine replacement therapy, since the later still supplies nicotine to your body. However, this medication should not be purchased if you have a history of depression, kidney problems and epilepsy. It is available in the dosage strength of 0.5 mg and 1 mg. You should take a single 0.5 mg pill for the first three days, followed by taking two 0.5 mg pills for the next four days. Afterwards, you need to take a 1 mg pill twice a day for the entire duration of treatment. In case you want to get further information on available prescription treatments of smoking then visit licensed online clinics.

Author's Bio: 

Published by Adelisa Neumark,webmaster and content writer of a leading online clinic in Ireland.Read this article to find out important tips in order to break away from the harmful habit of smoking.