Acupuncture has become an exceedingly popular career in recent years, since the health care community has now begun to recognize it as a valuable and worthy form of medicine. Views of acupuncture as a form of medicine have changed so miraculously that acupuncture schools and colleges have sprung up all over the country. So, how do you know which school or college is the right one for you? There are in fact a few things you can do in order to ensure that you find the right acupuncture program that suits you.
When researching acupuncture courses and programs, it is important you get the full representation of all the treatments that are being taught by the college. In order to gain the right knowledge and skills, it is also vital that the education you receive is in-depth and appropriate for the profession. For instance, there are only a few acupuncture colleges that teach the Five Element Oriental approach, so you will need to decide early on if this is a method you wish to learn. It is also good to know that some schools and colleges may require students to study herbal medicine alongside their acupuncture course. Alternatively, some programs may offer an herbal medicine course as an elective to all students.
The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is the national agency for accrediting acupuncture schools and colleges. It is recognized by the United States Department of Education to accredit all Master level programs in any acupuncture and oriental medicine related profession. So if you’re considering a career in acupuncture, you may find it beneficial to verify that the schools and colleges you are considering have the proper accreditations.
Are you also interested in learning about other aspects of traditional Chinese Medicine? Some courses will include information about anatomy, massage therapy, body therapy and other various forms of natural healing. If this is something you think you might be interested in, you will need to find an acupuncture program that provides education in these areas, as not all of them do.
In order to receive a degree in acupuncture, you need to study hard and be committed and focused. We all know it can be difficult to have these things if you are attending a college you don’t like, or feel isn’t properly covering all the bases that surround acupuncture. This is why it is so important to do your research, and find a suitable placement for you.
Acupuncture is a worthwhile and rewarding career. Most self-employed, licensed Acupuncturists earn a substantial income, starting at $45,000 per year and up, so it’s crucial you find the right college or school for you, in order to come away with a degree in your hand, and the knowledge required for a successful career ahead of you.
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Author Resource:David Woods is a staff writer for Find schools and colleges for acupuncture, as well as other Colleges and Universities offering acupuncture studies at, your positive pathway to discovery!
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