Great, you think. The content on your website has all been written and approved and the website will soon be live – you can relax.  No not really! Fresh content matters if you want the website to be listed and to be found on the search engine results pages. And if you want to improve your Google page rank fresh content matter.  Changing the content on your site regularly is an easy way to create activity on your site, particularly with a new website when you won’t have a lot of traffic visiting the site.  Why is this important? Once your website has been submitted to the search engines they will send their spiders to your site to register the content.  They will visit your site again initially every few days. However,  if you content hasn’t changed they will visit your site every five days instead of every three. This might change to once a week , fortnightly or even monthly if you website is completed static and unchanged.  This will have an adverse effect  on your Google page rank. However, if the search engine spiders visit your site and find that there’s lots of new content they will come and visit your site more regularly.

How can you tell how often they visit your website?

Search for your website or a page on your website using the Google search menu.  Once you can see your website listed click on the cache button next to your listing.  If this is more than one week old you need to start increasing the content activity on your site.

If writing your own regular content is too time consuming then consider using copywriting services.  The added advantage is that the content will be optimised for the keywords you want to rank for and this will help the spiders determine what content is important and help your ranking on keywords.

Author's Bio: 

Elizabeth Conley is a Communication and online marketing consultant, helping businesses around Dorset and Hampshire to improve their search engine ranking position on Google and other search engines.

"I use a fusion of PR and Search Engine Optimisation techniques to help online businesses reach the potential customers who are searching for their services. This is achieved through a combination of keyword research, web development services, SEO copywriting and link building services." - Elizabeth Conley

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07787 373563