Email subscribes has been the most pertinent topic for discussion since decades, the debate has moreover caught momentum after introduction of multiple competitors across both offline and online mediums. Any successful email marketing plan starts with a substantial, healthy list of subscribers on your list; even if you retain them over time, is not enough. Obviously increasing the number of sign-ups should be one of the goals of your acquisition strategy, but what finally decides the worth is when acquisition is coupled with purchases, in both long and short term.

Let’s check out the top five sources for generating email subscribers:

1. Website Sign ups

It’s simple logic if a visitor has landed up on your website, it clearly refers that he/she has shown some level of interest, so why not offer him to sign up for your special offers, also trying to serve some incentive. Well that said its logical that only the most feverishly brand loyal will sign up and that won’t be enough to offset the minimum 20% of churn rate.

2. Modal Acquisition

So comes the modal pop up or light box – a popup window that opens as the page fades in the background and is inoperable until the visitor either interacts or closes out of the window – is that it literally can’t be ignored. Highlight all your offers, discounts and free gifts and watch your email list growing further. Remember to optimize the modal popup for mobile too.

3. Sweepstakes

Using sweepstakes to foster email signups are extremely effective. However it highly recommends that the offer is not your product as people tend to categorize it as spam discouraging signups and increasing unsubscribes rate. Rather try partnering with a like or similar brand and do a cobranded sweepstakes to expand your reach. Also spend time to evaluate the legal aspects of the deal.

4. Preference Center

Engagement is key to both deliverability and conversions, isn’t it, it’s essential to know as much as possible about your customers. By offering a preference center and sending relevant emails based on the information shared from gender and birthdate to favorite product categories, you shall win to keep your subscribers engaged and happy.

5. Welcome Series

It’s an old trick and has worked perfectly, does not matter how your new subscriber has signed up, you should be immediately respond with an email that thanks and welcomes her and verifies the information she provided. You can also follow three welcome emails with the second two serving to engage the new sign –up, familiarizing with your brand and providing other information without overtly selling to her. A staggering conversion rate can be seen with this practice.

Emails has been the oldest method of acquiring new contact leads and even swept away with incoming of major social and business networking mediums, the charm and effectiveness of emails hardly seems to die away, conquering the top priority task of B2B marketers.


Author's Bio: 

Linda Mentzer is a published author and senior marketing manager for an information management company that has helped sell thousands of software products on a global scale. With over 11 years of experience in electronic marketing techniques, Linda has authored articles for several leading business journals, worldwide.