Accurate Thinking
(Book Excerpt From)
“The Science Of Success Achievement Course”© 2009
Rick Gettle & Holly Gettle
(Listed #1 Out Of 2,000,000 Google Listings On “Success Achievement Books)
(Free From Error – Beyond A Doubt)
The Important And The Unimportant
The Relevant And The Irrelevant
Knowledge Is Continually Compounding.
From 1700 To 1950 Man’s Knowledge Doubled = 250 Years
From 1950 To 1965 Man’s Knowledge Doubled Again = 15 Years
From 1965 To 1975 Man’s Knowledge Doubled Again = 10 Years
From 1975 To 1980 Man’s Knowledge Doubled Again = 5 Years
Knowledge Is Compounding So Fast That We Can’t Keep Up With It Anymore. We Are Overwhelmed With So Much New Information That It Is Creating Anxiety.
There Are Not Enough Hours In The Day To Keep Up With All Of This Title Wave Of Information Coming At Us Every day.
Most Professional People, Such As Doctors, Claim That 50% Of What They Know Today Will Becomes Obsolete In Five Years Or Less Because Of The New Knowledge That Overrides The Existing knowledge.
There Are People Who Want To Know Everything That Is Happening Everyday - They Become Well Informed. They Hear The Same News - Over And Over Again And Again.
How Much Of It Really Matters? How Much Of It Is Accurate? How Much Of It Is Based On Facts? How Much Is Important? How Much Is Relevant?
Accurate Thinking Involves Two Fundamentals:
The First Fundamental Is - To Think Accurately You Must Separate Facts From Mere Information. There Is A Lot Of Information Available To You That Is Not Based On Facts. We Used To Think That The World Is Flat – It Wasn’t! So, Why Bother Learning All About Something That’s Is Not Based On Fact - You Don’t Need It.
The Second Fundamental Is - You Must Separate Facts Into Two Classes: The Important And The Unimportant, Or, The Relevant And The Irrelevant. Only By So Doing Can You Think Clearly. All Facts, Which You Can Use In The Attainment Of Your Definite Chief Aim, Are Important And Relevant; All That You Cannot Use Are Unimportant And Irrelevant. Focus Only On The Things That Are Relevant And Important In Your Life. Don’t Waste Your Valuable Time On Unimportant And Irrelevant Things. Life Is Too Short.
What’s Really Relevant And Important To You
At This Particular Time In Your Life?
Think About It Now And Make A List
In The Next 90 Days, I Will Concentrate My Thoughts On The Following Things, Which Are The Most Relevant And Important To Me:
And I Will Keep My Mind Off Of These Things, Which Are Unimportant And Irrelevant:
There Is Not Enough Time In The Day To Sit And Read Everything Or To Know Everything That’s Going On And Still Have Time To Achieve Your Dreams In Life
Repetition - Hear A Lie Often Enough And You Start Believing It N
Steps To Accurate Thinking
Separate facts from fiction or hearsay evidence
Separate facts into classes, the important and the unimportant
What is an important fact? It’s any fact, which can be used to advantage in the attainment of one’s major purpose. All other facts are relatively unimportant
Opinions of which everyone except the accurate thinker has over-abundance---usually are without value, and many of them are dangerous and destructive in connection with the exercise of personal initiative because most of them are based upon bios, prejudice, intolerance, ignorance, and guess work and hearsay evidence.
No opinion is safe unless it is based upon known facts, and no one is entitled to express an opinion on any subject without reasonable assurance that it is founded on facts or reasonable hypotheses of fact
Free advice volunteered by friends and acquaintances usually is not worthy of consideration. The accurate thinker, therefore, never act upon such advice without giving it the closest scrutiny
Accurate thinkers permit no one to do their thinking for them! They often obtain facts, information an counsel from others, but they retain for themselves the privilege of acceptance or rejection of any or all of these factors
Accurate thinkers do not form opinion based upon newspaper reports because they are not sure that newspapers are always accurate in their reports. When they hear someone preface his remarks by the statement, “i see by the papers. “they promptly brand the speaker as one who has an opinion that may not be based upon facts and they refrain from being influenced by him.
Gossipers and scandal-mongers are not reliable sources from whom to procure facts on any subject, although it is well known that they inspire much of the daily thinking of many people.
Information based upon opinions and hearsay evidence is plentiful, and most of in is free, but facts have an elusive habit, and generally there is a definite price attached to them- the price of painstaking labor in examining them for accuracy.
The favorite question of the accurate thinker is “how do you know?” He demands to know the source of all that is presented to him as facts. He demands evidence of its soundness. He knows that anything which exists as a fact is capable of proof.
Some acid test to be made in separating facts from opinions
The accurate thinker scrutinizes with great care everything he reads in books or newspapers, everything he hears over the e radio or television and every statement made by others. He follows the habit of never accepting any statement as fact merely because he read it or heard it spoken. And he knows that statements bearing some portion of facts often are intentionally or carelessly colored, modified and exaggerated t o give them an erroneous meaning.
1 – Did the writer have an ulterior or self-interest motive in writing the book, other than that of imparting accurate information?
2 – Is the writer a professional propagandist whose business is that of influencing public opinion?
3 - Has the writer a profit interest in the subjects on which he writes?
4- Is the writer a person with sound judgment, and not a fanatic on the subject abut which he writes?
5 - Are there reasonably accessible sources from which the writer’s statements may be checked and verified? If so, what are they?
Before the accurate thinker accepts as facts the statements of others he endeavors to ascertain the motive, which prompted the statements, for, he knows that no one ever does anything, and seldom says anything without a definite motive.
The accurate thinker scrutinizes with unusual care all statements made by people who have obvious motives they desire to carry out through their statements, and he is equally careful about accepting as facts the statements of over – zealous people who have the habit of allowing their imagination to run wild.
The accurate thinker learns to use his own judgment, and to be cautious, no matter who may endeavor to influence him. If a statement does not harmonize with his own reasoning power, or if it is not in harmony with his experience, he holds it in abeyance for further examination.
The accurate thinker has learned that a falsehood has a peculiar way of bringing with it some form of warning; perhaps in the tone of the voice, or in the expression of the face of the speaker if it is a spoken falsehood. And it is one of the unexplained facts of psychology that written words carry with them something of a warning as to their truth or falsehood, something which corresponds precisely to the mental attitude and the belief or unbelief of the writer.
Most so-called thinking is nothing but an expression of feeling, through the emotions, and the emotions are not dependable. The accurate thinker always submits his emotional desires and decisions to his head for judiciary examination before he relies upon them as being sound, for he knows that his head is more dependable than the heart.
The accurate thinker recognizes all the facts of life, both the good and the bad, and assumes the responsibilities of separating and organizing the two, choosing those, which serve his needs, and rejecting all the others.
His opinions are the result of sober analysis and careful study of facts or dependable evidence of facts
How we come by our opinions
Opinions are plentiful. Everyone has a stock of them, but most of them are not only worthless; they are dangerous as well, for they have not been acquired by the principle of accurate thinking.
Holding opinions because one’s relatives have expressed their belief in such opinions is not accurate thinking, but it may be one of the major sources of ignorance.
Repetition - It is well known that the constant reader of any particular newspaper comes eventually to the acceptance of the views and editorial leanings of that newspaper, that is not accurate thinking, for newspapers have been known to make mistakes, and sometimes
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Rick Gettle
The Master Mind Alliance
Six-week course “The Science Of Success Achievement Course”
#1 out of 1,700,000 Google listings on “Success Achievement Course”
#1 out of 2,000,000 Google listings on “Success Achievement Books”
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Rick Gettle Bio:
Philosopher, publisher, author, success achievement teacher, speaker, trainer, human resources development consultant, and personal coach to individuals, including managers and owners of many mainstream businesses.
A native of San Francisco and local businessman based in the San Francisco Bay Area Rick has been in the “people building” business since 1958.
He has been teaching “The Science of Success Achievement Course” since 1970 and has been a guest speaker for many organizations, service clubs, and conventions - a guest on many radio and TV shows and has written numerous articles on “Success Achievement Principles.” Rick’s Successercising – “Successful Living” Course Series include the following titles:
The Science Of Success Achievement Course.
Developing Your Personality, Presence, Magnetism, And Relationship Skills - Course.
Overcoming Problems, Adversities And Discouragement - Course.
Balancing Your Wheel Of Life For “Total” Success – Course
Acting As If – You Already Are - Course.
Finding, Pursuing, And Fulfilling Your Destiny In Life - Course.
Building Your Creativity, Imagination, And Your Idea Manufacturing Factory - Course.
Enjoying Life’s Greatest Riches - Course.
Applied Faith And Perseverance - Course.
Building True Leadership Qualities - Course.
Self-Control, Discipline, And Self-Mastery - Course.
Teaching: Rick has been teaching “The Science Of Success Achievement Course” full time since 1970 to many mainstream companies and also teaches it three times per week in Teleclasses. He was also commissioned by The “Napoleon Hill Academy” in the early 70’s to teach Napoleon Hill’s world famous course, “The Science Of Personal Achievement” course.” He has been creating, marketing and conducting customized workshops that have tremendously improved and increased the performance, productivity and spirit of individuals and companies, large and small, including, Coldwell Banker, Prudential California, and Century 21 Real Estate Companies, AT&T, New York Life, Metropolitan, and Farmers Insurance Companies, Shearson Leman, Amway, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Herbalife,
Speaking: He has been giving a minimum of two talks per week for over 35 years to many major companies, had his own radio show titled, “Masterminding For Greater Success With Rick Gettle,” has been interviewed on several radio and television shows, and has been conducting weekly Teleseminars on success achievement.
Writing: Authored several books and articles on “Success Achievement.” Had a column, “Napoleon Hill’s Success Principles” in a major international magazine for five years. Has many articles being used by hundreds of online newsletters, has been publishing his own newsletter, “Successercising” for over five years
1 Out Of 2,000,000 Google Listings On “Success Achievement Books”
Rick’s talks, workshops, courses, articles, and books stimulate positive action in people who are ready to turn their dreams into realities. He brings forth the needed motivation, ideas, plans and success formula that have been responsible for a vast number of individuals defining and achieving their goals.
Rick spent three years in the Army Air Corp and another three years in the United States Merchant Marines and then from 1954 until 1960 he spent his time in professional selling, sales training and sales management.
From 1961 until 1970, he was in advertising, promotion and marketing.
In 1970, Rick represented Nightingale/Conant Corp (Earl Nightingale’s Company. Earl was heard daily on over 1,000 Radio Stations), The Napoleon Hill Academy and Success Unlimited magazine. He created, marketed and conducted Success Achievement workshops and courses.
In 1980, he started expanding his Master Mind Alliance Success Clubs International throughout the world.
In 2000, he retired to write motivational articles, books, screenplays, songs, and children’s books.
At the beginning of 2003, he decided to go back into the motivation business and put it all on the Internet.
Rick’s Comments
In 1954, I started reading all of Napoleon Hill’s books and since then read each one over thirty-five times (I stopped counting): Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich, The Master Key to Riches, Grow Rich With Peace of Mind, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, You Can Work Your Own Miracles and Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion.
In 1970, I bought a distributorship to market Napoleon Hill’s “Philosophy of Success” program and started teaching his Success Course. I created The Master Mind Alliance Success Club to help my students follow through and put the principles into practice. In addition to teaching the course in hotels, meeting rooms and in-house in many large and small corporations, I also taught the course in San Quentin Prison and at the Delancy Street Foundation for ex-cons, pimps, prostitutes, drug and alcohol addicts.
In 1974, I received a phone call from a Mr. John Haid who was the president of the Napoleon Hill Academy. He said that he heard quite a bit about my classes and me and that he wanted to fly out to San Francisco to meet with me. When we got together, he told me he was going to set up a Napoleon Hill Academy Franchise in Northern California and wanted to find the most qualified person to run it. He was here for about a week and interviewed several eager people who wanted that privilege. Many of them were very successful and had lots of money to gladly pay for the franchise. After several meetings with each one of us, John decided that I was the most knowledgeable on Napoleon Hill’s Success principles and gave the franchise to me. I am still sharing these principles in my Science of Success Achievement Course that my students are studying today.
Rick Gettle - Success Achievement Consultant/Publisher/Author/Speaker/Trainer - Since 1970
#1 out of 2,000,000 On Google Listings For “Success Achievement Books”
#1 out of 1,700,000 On Google Listings For “Success Achievement Courses”
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