Are you frustrated with your website concept? You want to run online business but you don't know where to start from? You tried to build a website but you ended up wasting your money and time to the rich quick scams that promised to help you only to disappoint you? Oh! The scams are many and should be avoided at all times. Don't find yourself buying one product to another promising you to earn lots of money. It is said that when you lose, don't lose the lesson too. You ought to learn from your failures and do something about them. Don't give up but make changes where you notice weaknesses.
There are many websites, in fact millions of them and still new ones are popping up. But the saddest truth is that not all these websites succeed. Majority of them are doomed. They don't have traffic. Any website without traffic is dead. The main reason for lack of traffic is that many website owners are following wrong procedures in developing a website concept.
Building online business is not simple. It takes time, patience and resources just like an offline business. Before starting anything else, the first thing to do is to take a pen and paper. Write down business ideas.
Sure Website Concept Choosing
From the list of your ideas, select any three website concepts to brainstorm. Why three? The reason is that you compare them to select the best niche.
Brainstorm It! Search It! and Master Keyword List (MKL) are the tools from SiteSell which helps you to select the best website concept.
Do brainstorming of the three website concepts and select a niche that is not too broad or too narrow. Too broad or too narrow means your competitors (also termed as real supply.) It is not easy to succeed with a too broad niche since surfers won't find your website on search engine result pages.
Too narrow website concept means that there are not enough surfers (also termed as demand) searching for that niche. You can easily know whether your niche is too broad or too narrow by using word tracker program.
How do you narrow down a too broad niche? You can narrow it down by adding a word to your website concept when brainstorming. A too narrow niche can be broadened by deleting a word from the website concept when brainstorming. If it has only one word, use it to do lateral brainstorming. After doing lateral brainstorming, MKL lists keywords related to your niche. These keywords don't contain the seed word of your niche. Use these keywords to broaden your niche.
Do comparisons on the Master Keyword List among the three website concepts. Choose the best website concept that meets the following qualifications:
1.) The one which is not too narrow or too broad.
2.) The one with sufficient demand.
3.) The one you have good knowledge about.
4.) The one you are passionate about.
5.) The one you have sufficient time to work on.
6.) The one with more monetization opportunities.
7.) The profitable one.
Your ideal website concept should have a demand of 2,000 to 3,000. Your ideal supply should be 30,000 to 70,000 but not more than 200,000.
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The author of this article is Joshua Nyamache and together with other team members they are working on Nikenya website, a website that you connect with friends and family and read articles about doing more work in less time, achieving dreams, nurturing entrepreneurial spirit and many more articles that give you useful information that will inspire you in achieving self-improvement.
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