The natural techniques that are around for a while to boost your possibilities of conceiving the baby boy or girl of your selection.Although nothing is 100% accurate, using these natural techniques will increase your likelihood of getting the little boy or girl of your dreams.

Understanding the biology behind sex determination is very helpful. Every sperm will have either the X or Y chromosome that it contributes. Each sperm contains either the Y chromosome or the X chromosome. If the y-bearing sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a boy. If a sperm carrying the X chromosome prevails, your baby will be a girl. It is important to note that the X and Y carrying sperm have unique characteristics.
The y-bearing sperm are faster swimmers, smaller, and more fragile. They do not live as long and thrive in alkali environments. X-carrying sperm are known for being bigger, do not move as fast as the Y-chromosome sperm, but are longer lasting.

They tend to thrive in acidic environments that are not as conducive for the y-bearing sperm, and they also live longer than the y-bearing sperm. Once you have this knowledge, you will be able to boost your chances of conceiving a baby boy or baby girl of your dreams.

If You Want to Have a Boy.

A female orgasm gives an advantage to the sperm bearing the Y chromosome because it alters the pH levels in the vagina. When a woman has an orgasm, the PH levels in the vagina change as a result of the secretions A woman's climax makes the PH levels in the vagina alkali, which favors the sperm bearing the Y chromosome. Thus, if you want to have a baby boy, the woman should have the orgasm first.

The Y chromosome is the one of the two sex-determining chromosomes in most mammals, including humans. In mammals, it contains the gene SRY, which triggers testis development if present. The human Y chromosome is composed of about 60 million base pairs.

Most mammals have one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Males have one Y chromosome and one X chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes. In mammals, the Y chromosome contains a gene, SRY, which triggers embryonic development as a male. The Y chromosomes of humans and other mammals also contain other genes needed for normal sperm production.

In humans, the Y chromosome spans about 58 million base pairs (the building blocks of DNA) and represents approximately 2% of the total DNA in a human cell. The human Y chromosome contains 86 genes, which code for only 23 distinct proteins. Traits that are inherited via the Y chromosome are called holandric traits.

The human Y chromosome is unable to recombine with the X chromosome, except for small pieces of pseudoautosomal regions at the telomeres (which comprise about 5% of the chromosome's length). These regions are relics of ancient homology between the X and Y chromosomes. The bulk of the Y chromosome which does not recombine is called the "NRY" or non-recombining region of the Y chromosome. It is the SNPs in this region which are used for tracing direct paternal ancestral lines.

How to Have a Baby Girl.

If it is a girl you hope to conceive, then the male should orgasm first. This will make certain that the vagina is acidic, favoring X-bearing sperm.

The X chromosome is one of the two sex-determining chromosomes in many animal species, including mammals (the other is the Y chromosome). It is a part of the XY sex-determination system and X0 sex-determination system. The X chromosome was named for its unique properties by early researchers, which resulted in the naming of its counterpart Y chromosome, for the next letter in the alphabet, after it was discovered later.

The above-mentioned ways, which includes having an orgasm for a woman, will significantly increase your chance of conceiving the baby of your choice. However, just as a reminder, there are no guarantees in life. There is nothing to lose, because you're not risking anything and in the end you'll be ultimately rewarded with a beautiful baby regardless of the gender.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Katty Joel. I'm pride to share about to predict your baby gender. If you want to know how to predict your baby gender, visit to my blog at