Most parents around us are found with the concern that their kids are weak in Maths. Well, due to lack of proper resources and support system, this can be really daunting. However, there is nothing to worry, as it's a common complaint among the parents that their children don’t like to do maths or they are not smart enough to learn the tactics in maths. So, in this content, you will get to see the causes and symptoms why a child can’t do well with maths which may vary from child to child. 

Causes Why Your Child Struggle with Math: 

Being a cumulative subject, maths can be hard to build the grip- as said by the parents since the ages. So, it is a built-up a notion due to which kids don’t want to get connected with maths.

According to private tutors in Braintree, poor performance doesn’t mean that your child lacks intelligence. Believe it or not, kids who trouble to understand the maths are found to put a great deal of effort physically and mentally. So, what exactly makes a child work hard to do the maths? Read a few reasons below-

  1. Lack in Building Blocks:Since students get to know different components of maths at each academic standard, the subject is called a cumulative one. Hence, it is important to understand the basics before moving to advanced topics. For example, if a child doesn’t get to know how to subtract, then he/she might find it difficult to do the division. 
  1. Math Anxiety:It’s quite a common mindset among the parents whose kids fail to learn maths- that their children are only ones who feel anxious in solving the problems in maths. Well, parents must know that they are not only parents whose child is experiencing anxiety. Lack of response, avoidance, negative self-talk, nervousness, increased heart rate, upset stomach or intense emotional reaction etc. are the reasons why children struggle to do maths from childhood and lead the anxiety to the way to adulthood. 
  1. Learning Difficulties:There are numerous disabilities that prevent a child from doing well in mathematics, and one of the common forms is Dyscalculia or often called as math or number dyslexia. In this case, the child will struggle working with memory, trouble remembering the math facts, unable to understand the logic behind some mathematic problems, and may not even understand the quantities of concepts like the smallest or biggest number. 

So, any of these could be the possible reason why your child is facing problem to deal with mathematics. Such children are found to express negative comments about maths, get anxious, find it difficult to manage time or find trouble in applying the maths concepts in real-world problems. So, having awareness about the possible reasons why your child is facing problems in learning maths can take you to the further steps and transform the math into a subject that your child will love. 

Upon hiring a private maths tutor in Chelmsford, the skilled person can reintroduce the math to your child through a game-based approach. Experienced tutors can take on the math-related world problems, puzzles and engage your child into a school curriculum aligned platform and can make the class-based performance of your child better. 

Author's Bio: 

The author works as a private tutor in Chelmsford and passionately writes blogs and articles to make parents aware of how to garner the mental faculty of their child in different subjects.